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Day 7 of Zelink Week! So, I have now completed Zelink Week, THANK GOD. I just have the Master Quest left. :D

Alrighty, so this one has some #sneakysiblings . XD And just FYI - Zelda, Link, and Sheik are in 12th, and Aryll is in 11th for the majority of the story. And in this, Sheik is a GUY, and he's not the same person as Zelda...

... I don't even know how I turned Sheik/Aryll into a thing... o_O

This one is dedicated to Daisy_the_Beagle because she's one of my most enthusiastic reviewers. XD Thanks, Daisy!!! :D <3

So, like always, please read, comment, vote, and follow because I'm a tired person. X_X <3



"Link!" I call to my best friend, not caring if I'm being too loud in the crowded high school hallway. The crowd of kids split in two to make way for me, Sheik, one of the most popular guys in school.

I spot a familiar blond head in the distance, and my best friend waves me over without actually turning to look at me. "Where've you been, Sheik?" he questions, expertly unlocking his locker and stuffing his books inside.

Smacking his shoulder blade, I respond, "I've been looking for you, bro!"

Link rolls his eyes as he faces me, "Why?"

I roll my eyes back at him, "Well, I don't wanna go to Dragmire's class all by myself. He freaking hates my guts!"

"You mean he hates my guts," Link corrects me as he begins to walk down the hall.

Keeping pace with him, I chuckle, "Touché."

Abruptly, out of nowhere, Link questions, "Hey - we're going to your place after school, right?"

I nod in response, "Yeah."

"Will Zelda be home?" he asks, trying to play it cool. He's so stupid. I'm his best friend - of course I would know if he likes a girl! Especially my sister.

"Probably," I shrug. "Or she might be headed for Nabooru's house or the library. I think I heard her mention a project for Ms. Shadow's class due next week."

Link's grin falls for a moment, but he quickly renews it. As if I can't tell he's head over heels for my twin sister. Stupid. "Oh, ok. Maybe we should just head to the court and shoot some hoops or something. Coach's been working us hard recently, and it might be nice to just play for fun for once, y'know?"

Shrugging once more, I answer, "Whatever you feel - but Zelda also might stay home..."

I wait to see his reaction.

His smile brightens, and he responds, "Cool - play it by ear?"

... He's so dang stupid!

"Sure, bro," I agree as we enter Dagmire's class of doom. I prepare myself for a boring class of Ganondorf Dragmire ranting about how all the Heroes of Legend were phonies and how he can prove to us using science that time travel is nonexistent. He seems to have a special sort of hatred for Link, too, which is another reason why I have to physically restrain myself when I'm in that class. No one messes with either my twin sister or my best friend. That's just not how it does down.

Link and I exchange glances as we enter the classroom, and Dragmire, like always, immediately begins to target Link. It's going to be one heck of a day, that's for sure.


For some odd reason, my twin sister, younger than me by a whole five minutes, always acts oddly whenever Link is around. The thing that irks me, though, is that she acts as though she's not obvious about her crush on him. I mean, she's being so obvious that even our parents can tell that she likes him a lot, and our parents are always oblivious to everything. She has it bad....

Zelink Week 2017 [Drabbles and Oneshots]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang