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Day 12 of Zelink Week and Day 5 of the Master Quest. I really wasn't feeling this one, guys. >_<

Alright, so this one's dedicated to 8thSage once again!!! And that's because you've been so good about reading Zel's book of the world's shortest Zelink oneshots. XDDDD thanks!!! <3

Please do the read, comment, vote thing cuz I'm a tired, voiceless person (ha, except on the internet >_>)

And, again, I really apologize about the length of these oneshots - I've just really been having a hard time with inspiration, haha.



"Dancing in the shadows to a game that can't be won" - Halsey, "Empty Gold"

"They dance in the dark to secrets in the night" - Veela, "Second Nature"

The moon casts an eerie glow on Hyrule, yet it doesn't hinder them from slipping into the shadowy night. He takes her hand with a smile as he leads her into the Castle courtyard. Together, they begin to dance in the moonlight as the shadows play about them.

Although people don't know it, this is necessary for the sun to begin its preparation to rise. It's a mostly forgotten Hylian tradition for Hylian couples to dance in the shadows every night, and this signals the sun to get ready to rise. Unfortunately, the tradition has been lost throughout the ages, and Zelda and Link are now the only two who complete the dance every night. They're the only reason that the sun still rises in the morning.

The night's just begun, and the pair dance together, casting shadows on the Castle walls. Their dance is cut slightly short when they see others looking out at them; they disregard the onlookers, however, and continue their dance.

Nothing can stop them from completing their tradition and allowing the sun to rise.

Link, the revolutionary hero, and Zelda, the Hylian princess. He's a skilled public speaker, part of the reason why lesser Hyrule won against the unjust greater Hyrule, led by Ganondorf Dragmire. Zelda's his partner and had been crowned princess based on the vote of the people. The Hyrulean government had become a "royal democracy".

Still, the people are unaware of how important Zelda and Link are in things as simple as causing the sun to rise.

Their dance is simple yet beautiful - Link is careful with the princess, and Zelda is elegant and graceful. They command the attention of all who are awake.

He holds her by the waist as her back arches fluidly. Their steps are light yet sure, and their faces are alight with the joy of the night.

Then, together, they end their dance and step from the courtyard and enter the Castle once more. The onlookers wonder for a brief moment whether or not their rulers are mad before going back to bed.

The couple sneak into their room carefully, closing the door behind them and climbing into their bed quietly. In a few more hours, the sun will rise, erasing the shadows, fears, and demons of the night. And with that thought present in their minds, they enter the world of dreams together. 


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Zelink Week 2017 [Drabbles and Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now