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Day 13 of Zelink Week and Day 6 of the Master Quest!! Shh, I'm late, haha, don't mention it. XD I was just with my best friends last night, and we were busy playing Overwatch. XDDD Anywaysssss. 

I don't honestly know if this is super accurate with animal shelters, however I did as much research as I could with my limited time, lol. 

This one's dedicated to IzayaTrash for voting! Thanks!

So, please read, comment, and vote cuz I'm a tired person. Thanks! <3

Also, let me know which oneshot's been your favorite so far - I think mine's probably "Discourse" cuz it amused me/is relevant to my life since I'm so short. XD



"That's the spirit." - A phrase used to acknowledge high motivation and enthusiasm in an individual or group.

In Link, however, there is no enthusiasm or spirit. He goes through life as though he's in a slow motion video, not caring at all about whether or not he's being productive. He's one of those people who just sit around and wait for life to happen around him instead of actively moving toward a goal.

Not to say he's a bum or anything like that. He's just lazy. He only works in things that he enjoys, such as sports - but even in sports, he's lazy. He has an easy time maintaining a good physique, and he lacks the motivation to actually work toward being a better athlete.

Zelda, on the other hand, is a complete whirlwind of activity. She's always moving, always trying to help, and always available for anyone that needs it. She's a naturally energetic person and loves to help bring people out of their shells. Her favorite phrase is "That's the spirit!", and she uses it for almost everything.

She helps in a variety of different ways around her community, but she's currently at her favorite volunteer job - the animal shelter.

Of course, now, she's helping with the new recruits, not with the animals, but she'll soon be on the job fairly soon.

And who would be there but Link, who was sent by his grandmother. His grandmother hopes that maybe Zelda will be able to instill some enthusiasm into her grandson.

"Zelda, seriously - can I just go back home?" Link asks, annoyed at his grandma's initiative.

She whips toward him before firmly shaking her head, "Nope, nope, and nope! You're here to work, and it'll be good for you!" She's determined to make Link the best animal shelter volunteer that's ever lived (besides herself, of course), and she will do it, regardless of whether or not Link will actually listen to her.

The weeks go on, and even though he doesn't necessarily have to, Link keeps on returning to the animal shelter - and always when he knows Zelda's around. Zelda takes notice of that but doesn't mention it.

Eventually, they're both at a similar skill level, and they now work together with the kittens.

Link's feeding a tiny kitten milk with a baby dropper, and Zelda does the same. They make idle conversation, slowly getting to know each other just a little better each time. Like, how Link actually really hates cats and prefers dogs. Or how Zelda actually really enjoys the rain, contrary to her sunny personality. Or how Link enjoys cold showers instead of hot ones. Or how Zelda secretly wants to be a veterinarian instead of a lawyer, like her father wants her to be. And the list goes on and on.

And slowly, they become friends... and maybe a little something more.

"Link, I think there's a ward you should check out," Zelda announces one day pretty confidently.

They'd been working with the kittens for a while now, not really doing anything besides that and cleaning things up.

He raises a brow curiously, "What's that?"

She just laughs softly before leading him away, "You'll see."

And it's a ward for some of the new puppies.

Link falls completely and totally in love. There's one little puppy that particularly catches his attention: it's a small husky puppy, and he melts. Zelda would've never recognized him as the Link from a few months back - he's completely transformed.

She watches him fondly while cradling her own labradoodle puppy before whispering. "That's the spirit, Link!"  


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Zelink Week 2017 [Drabbles and Oneshots]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें