Courage, Wisdom, Power

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Day 6 of Zelink Week! *falls flat on my face* it's almost half way over, thank God, haha! This is so much workkk (not gonna lie, though - I secretly enjoy this a lot)...

Hopefully this one's decent... I don't even know about these oneshots anymore, lol. They all turn out differently than I expect, and I'm just like ARGHHHHHHH. >_< 

Anyways, this is dedicated to xToukaShipsWithAllx for just being an awesome person!!! <3

So, like always, please read, vote, and comment on this piece of trash because I am a tired person. Love <3



"Link Forrest on the mic with a voice that makes the ladies swoon! Zelda Hark on the piano while singing those sweet high harmonies! Ganondorf Dragmire killing it on the drums! Together, they make up one of the hottest bands in all of Hyrule! Everyone, introducing, CWP!"

Clapping and loud cheering is heard as the band walks together into the studio. What takes show host, Marin Tarin, by surprise, however, is the fact that vocalists, Zelda and Link, are holding hands! She gives Link a subtle wink as she takes notice of this fact.

But it's not anything new, however. When the band was in attendance of the Ocarina Awards just last week, Link and Zelda were also seen holding hands and standing quite close together, much to the shock of those there. That was the start of their public relationship which was made an even more joyous occasion with the band's winning of three different awards: Best New Artist, Best Duo/Group, and Album of the Year.

Yes, for CWP, they did succeed in having a successful year - and for fan shippers, it just got better with the teasing of a relationship between Zelda Hark and Link Forrest - a "ship" fans coined Zelink.

Zelda and Link are cozied up together on the plush red couch with Ganondorf a ways away from them.

Marin has to come up with a way to segue the conversation into Link and Zelda's relationship, but she starts with the standard question. "So, five nominations and walking away with three awards! This has been a really exciting week for you, hasn't it?"

Giving a small laugh, Zelda nods her head, "Yes, it has! It's been like a dream, honestly. To be doing this - singing and piano for a living? It really is my dream come true."

Clearing her throat, Marin tries to steer the conversation toward the Zelink topic. "Um... So, you and Link are dating now, right?"

It's a very abrupt segue - not at all the smooth one that Marin was hoping for, but she's too eager!

That catches Link off guard, even though both he and Zelda were expecting the question. "Yeah, we are - we're both really happy, although we've actually been dating for quite some time now. Even back when we produced our music in G's garage."

"We just recently decided to go public about it," Zelda adds laughingly.

Ganondorf chuckles, "I ship it!"

Marin is intrigued with Ganondorf's comment, "Really? Didn't you also at one point date Zelda?"

The group exchanges glances.

"Well, yeah, we dated for a little bit in high school," Zelda admits. "But it didn't last more than a few weeks before we decided it'd be better for us to remain friends."

"And that was when I swooped in!" Link laughs, pulling Zelda even closer.

Zelda's smile widens, "Yeah - We were all friends anyways, and Link got G's permission so he wasn't breaking any 'bro code'. And then we started jamming out in G's garage. That's really how CWP started, after all."

"CWP - And that stands for... Courage, Wisdom, Power?" Marin questions. "Like, the Triforce?"

"It is the Triforce," Ganondorf agrees.

Marin asks, "So you named yourself after the Triforce...?" The three nod. "And on the cover of your first and latest album, Destiny, you three are dressed like the heroes (and villain) of legend... That was done intentionally?"

Link nods, "Yeah - we're all pretty big history buffs, and we absolutely love Hylian lore and legends."

"We find them fascinating, and incorporating them into our music was definitely something we wanted to do," Ganondorf agrees, slapping Link on the back.

Marin gets a signal from her cameraman to wrap the conversation up so that the band can get on to their performance. "Alright, well, CWP has prepared a little surprise for us all!"

Link stands to his feet before helping Zelda get up as well. Ganondorf then proceeds to roll off the couch and head over to the instrument pit. Zelda walks straight to the keyboard, Link to the mic and Ganondorf to the drumset.

They're signaled that they're able to begin when ready so Link nods at Ganondorf, "Hit it, G."

Ganondorf hits his drumsticks together to count the tempo before they begin playing. The song's loud and sounds angry; Zelda plays the piano chords, striking the keyboard with complete passion; the drum beat is very prominent, and the music has a very hard feel to it.

Link's vocals give the song its raging feel, but Zelda's clear soprano voice adds a softer feel to the overall piece. Ganondorf's drumsticks are like extensions of his arms, and he's having the time of his life. They all are. They're living their dream.

And in an instant, the song ends, almost abruptly, and Marin claps from her seat. "That was awesome, guys! Thanks so much for coming today!"

Zelda offers a sweet smile, "It was our pleasure, Marin!"

"We hope to see you around," Link adds, wrapping his arm around Zelda.

Ganondorf offers a curt nod as he joins the couple.

"And there you have it, everyone! Go check out CWP's brand new album, Destiny!" Marin exclaims. "And give it up for CWP - and for Zelink!"  


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