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Day 9 of Zelink Week and Day 2 of the Master Quest! :P I'm surviving, lol! This one's really short, haha - sorry about that. XD These things just keep getting shorter and shorter!!! X_X

So, this one's dedicated to LunaHexa for continuously reading practically every work I put out there. XD Thanks, Luna! :D <3

***I'm working on the next chapters of Scars and Hey currently as well as a new project which hopefully will be enjoyable, haha***

Anyways, please read, comment, and vote because I'm a tired person. XP 



Every day she would go there to meet him.

And every day the forest was their refuge.

Their love was forbidden, therefore they had to meet in that hidden grove. Their hearts would beat faster whenever they'd see one another, and smiles would light their faces.

Yes, the forest. That was their true home, the place where their hearts belonged, the only place they felt free. That was where they were able to think however they wished with no one watching their every move and listening to everything they said.

She knew that it was something temporary, something that wouldn't be able to last if they were discovered, and it broke her heart. Yet she allowed hope to sprout from deep within her soul, trusting that if they were meant to be together, they would be together, and no one would be able to stop them or tell them no.

Fate appeared to be on their side because they were able to continue meeting for years, starting at age sixteen. They were sneaky, hiding their connection together, but they did not want to have to meet in secrecy.

When they appeared in public together, they were cold toward each other yet were still able to send each other messages and communicate with their eyes. They knew each other well, better than they knew their own selves, even. Once in the forest, the moon was their best friend, and the sun was their enemy - they would have to part when it appeared as a huge ball of fire streaking across the sky in the early morning at dawn. Every second, every moment counted those nights.

He would take her on adventures in the night through the streams and trails of their haven, and she would show him what it meant to feel like he had a family. They would run barefoot through meadows and scale tall trees to sleep in the boughs. Their hearts knit together under their shared love of the forest and each other.

Sick of feeling dead, they would yell or whisper into the wind depending on how they were feeling that night.

Together, they were able to finally shed their masks and remember who they truly were. The stars became representations of their wishes, and the lake was their source of life.

They'd been meeting in the forest for ten years... They were both twenty-six, and they wanted the secrecy to end. They could no longer endure it - something had to be done.

So she stood there with her kind smile and proposed something to him. He agreed.

They both agreed.

They would run away together and become children of the forest.

And children of the forest they became - together.  


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Zelink Week 2017 [Drabbles and Oneshots]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt