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Day 8 of Zelink Week and Day 1 of the Master Quest!!! :D I hope you guys enjoy! This one's kinda angsty/tragic so get out the tissues... X(

This one's dedicated to GlamAngel3766!!! Thanks, GlamAngel for all the help you've been to me in the past year with figuring out both Wattpad and FFN. XD >_<

A'ight - on with the story

And, like always, please read, vote, and comment because I'm a tired person. :P <3



His eyes were misted, tears brimming. He was slumped next to where she lay, his back pressed against the wall. Taking in a shuddering breath, he watched her laboring chest rise and fall, slowly; his heart was tightening in his chest, and he knew that wouldn't be able to survive without her.

His life wasn't meant to be lived without her.

Every shot of pain that spread through her body reverberated through his own, and his head was pounding with grief. He just wanted her, needed her, to open her eyes.

"Open your eyes, Zelda..." he said, his voice hollow. "Zelda, open your eyes..." his voice trailed off into nothingness, echoing in the dank halls of Ganondorf's fortress.

But nothing happened, and Link began to panic. Deep down in his heart, he must have known that she couldn't open her eyes. That it wasn't possible with the state she was in. So, he pushed some of her blonde hair that was plastered onto her forehead away, his tears falling onto her pale face.

So, he waited. And waited.

For hours on end, he watched her sleep, not knowing what to do but wanting to do something, anything, to get her to wake up. He pressed a kiss to her startlingly cold forehead, hugging her body to his. She couldn't leave him. He wouldn't let her.

The hall they were in was dimly lit, and he remained on guard, ready for any trouble that might present itself. He became lost in his thoughts, unable to think of anything except for the memories that he had with Zelda.

He wasn't aware of anyone else in the hall so they were alone. It was both a good and bad thing because no one could hurt them more, but he couldn't get medical help for Zelda.

His mind drifted away, thinking about the first time he'd ever met Zelda. Her blonde hair had been a wild curly mess, and her eyes had been a silvery blue. Her dress had been billowy, and she hadn't had to wear those silly, pointed, high-heeled shoes that she always wore as a princess. She had instead worn silk slippers, perfect to run through Hyrule Field without a care in the world.

He had come upon her while he was riding on his horse, Epona, headed for the Castle. She had been spinning in the most bizarre circles when she noticed his approach, never once stopping her fun.

"Hello, sir!" she'd called.

He'd assumed that she was merely a milkmaid or a servant so he'd replied with, "Good day, fair maiden."

"And where might you be headed on this fine day?" she'd questioned.

He'd responded by saying that he was traveling from Ordon to the Castle. She'd looked slightly surprised before stating that his journey was almost complete. She'd then offered him a smile and wished him a safe trip to the Castle.

Smiling back, he'd then wished her a good day before continuing to ride toward the Castle. By the time he'd reached the Castle, however, he was greeted by none other than the girl from Hyrule Field.

He'd been startled because she'd arrived at the Castle so quickly, but she'd later told him she'd used magic - and then he understood.

His mind was brought back to the present for a moment before he was jolted back into another memory - the day that he and Zelda first danced together. His heart sunk at that memory - she'd been so full of life, so joyous. And now she was lying with her head in his lap, the breath almost gone from her fragile lungs.

"Zelda..." he whispered. "I want to be able to dance with you again..."

And that sparked another memory. She would always have such awful nightmares, and eventually, he'd begun singing her to sleep because she'd said that his voice was soothing. He'd sing different lullabies, quiet love songs, and slow ballads, just because he knew she liked them. Her eyes would slowly close, and she'd sleep soundly, curled into his side, as he continued singing into her soft hair.

"I want to be able to sing you to sleep again, Zelda," he added, his voice wavering.

Her eyes suddenly fluttered open, and she looked weary, "Link?"

He immediately shifted to try to allow her to sit up, but she couldn't do it. "Zelda!" He brought her closer to his chest so that she was curled against him, just like how she'd normally sleep most days.

"Link... I want you to sing me to sleep," she whispered. "Just one last time - please, Link?"

His heart nearly stopped at the implication of her words, "Zelda, no - not one last time. You're going to get better. You're going to heal, and you're going to be alright - I'm going to make sure you're alright."

She shook her head with much effort, "No, Link... I won't get better. I love you, but I won't be getting better. I'll be going somewhere better."

Tears began forming in his eyes once more, "Zelda... I-I..."

"Just sing me to sleep, Link. Please. For me," she sighed softly, cuddling against his warm body and pressing her cold hand to his chest.

He choked on his words but began to sing her favorite song. His hands stroked her blonde hair gently, and his voice was shaky. But she smiled as she closed her eyes once more, her chest rising and falling slower and slower with each breath.

And then suddenly, it stopped. And Link was filled with an unbearable grief as he continued singing for Zelda, his Zelda. At the end of their song, he then slumped to the ground, Zelda in his arms.

Footsteps were heard in the hall, yet Link made no move to escape. He met his fate bravely, and he was soon brought to light once more, with his Zelda.  


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