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Day 11 of Zelink Week and Day 4 of the Master Quest. Sorry if the writing isn't as up to par as normal - I'm actually very sick right now with this virus thing, and I feel like trash now, haha.

So, this is dedicated to @FlooPatronus11282 for reading Scars of a Caged Bird - thanks!!! <3

This was kinda inspired by The Neptune Project by Polly Holyoke. :P

And now, please read, comment, and vote because I seriously don't feel good, and it'd really make my night. X_X



I swim through the murky water, feeling uneasy. It's universally known to almost all swimmers - you don't swim in the dark or the night because a) you can't see what's going on and b) sharks become more active at night. And yet somewhere, here I am - swimming in the murkiest of all water in the middle of the night.

Obviously, I wouldn't advise this to anyone else, but it's something that's necessary for me. If I can't find it, then I don't know what I'll do -

I'm missing one of the most important pieces of information for the Hyrulean resistance, and it's deep under the depths of the sea. I have to find it - if it gets into the wrong hands, we're, pardon the pun, sunk.

Adjusting my gear on my back, I try to spot my partner in the water, even though I can barely see ten feet ahead of me. I'm so nervous that my spear gun is shaking in my hands, and I know that if I were attacked by a shark right now, I'd be totally unprepared to shoot.

"Link?" I question telepathically.

He doesn't respond right away which causes me to feel even more uneasy. Is he safe? Then I hear him give a mental shout. "Zel, get over here!"

"Uh, I don't know where you are right now!" I reply, trying to calm myself down.

He sends me a mental picture of where he is, but it doesn't help me much considering we're swimming in the dark.

My hair is getting all knotted - it's a tangled mass around my head. Kicking my legs swiftly, I try to locate Link, and soon I see him, looking down at something.

"I think I've found it, Zel!" he exclaims, motioning downward. "Do you think it could be...?"

I peer down carefully at the metal object he's pointing at, buried in the sand but still visible. "I think it could be... We'll just have to see. Do you want to dive or guard?"

He knows how much I dislike having to be on guard against sharks, one of my worst fears so he volunteers to guard, "It's alright, Zel. You can dive - I'll be look out."

Sighing with relief, I prepare to dive another few feet into the depths of the murky water. There's barely any sunlight reaching down here, but Link and I have modified vision so we can see things fairly well, even underwater in the dark. I'm startled slightly by a huge moray eel that I apparently scared out of its home. Giving a small mental shriek, I shoot it with my spear gun, missing it by a few inches.

Then, it carefully swims away from me as I reload my spear gun. "There goes another spear dart," I mentally admonish myself. Link and I only have a limited supply of our spear darts, and those should be reserved for sharks or the enemy. I shouldn't be wasting them on trivial issues, such as the eel.

"We'll be fine, Zel. Just get that tube," Link assures me.

Back on task, I reach my hand out into the sand before clasping the metal tube, "I've got it, Link. We should go now."

Zelink Week 2017 [Drabbles and Oneshots]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora