With You

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Day 5 of Zelink Week! Don't worry, lol, I'm not height-discriminating in this chapter, haha. I'm short myself so :P Anyways... I don't even know which part of my brain this even came from... Ugh, KMS. 

Dedicated to DatZeldaFanGurl for being one of my most recent followers. X)

Please read, vote comment, etc. because (like always), I'm a tired person - but I'm warning you, I don't even know what the heck I was thinking when I wrote this... X_X haha. XD



"Link, let me see your hand!" I exclaim quickly; he doesn't answer so I take his hand and press it to mine. My hands are so small and tiny compared to his, and I don't know why I like reminding myself of that. I guess I just like being tiny compared to him. It makes me feel protected.

He sighs, "You want to do your whole routine?"

"Routine?" I scoff. "You call it a routine?"

"Uh, yeah," he deadpans. Then he chuckles. "You literally do this every day."

I blink. "Oh, well, now I have to see if I've grown any!"

"Zel, you're 27 years old. I highly doubt you've grown any," he full-out laughs.

Standing on my tiptoes, I glare at him, sticking my tongue out at him. "Well, I might have!" I insist.

He rolls his eyes while hiding a smile, "Alright, Zel - only for you, though." He stands up completely straight at over six feet tall while I'm a pathetic five feet, five feet and an inch on my tiptoes. "You look completely ridiculous," he laughs. Then, like always, he picks me up by my waist so that my feet are dangling midair.

"Link!" I exclaim. "Put me down!!!"

Laughing, he doesn't do what I ask and instead spins me around in a circle. "Nope."

Show off.

If only I was taller. I'd show him.


Later, Link and I head out for a walk through the park. We stop when we reach the lake in order to admire the scenery, but then Link freaking uses me as an armrest!

"Link!!!!" I drag out his name (just like how he hates it) and try to shake him off my shoulder.

"But you're a perfect armrest!" Link laughs before flicking my nose lightly. That big meanie.

I fold my arms over my chest and glare at him while wrinkling my nose. "Link, can you stop?" Then I add, "Please?"

He chuckles before removing his arm from my shoulder. Then I kick his shin. He deserves it. I laugh.

Rolling his eyes, he then acts as though he's looking for something. "Where could she be?" Correction - he's looking for me.

Ha ha - very funny. Sarcasm.

"Link," I say, keeping my tone flat. "Link, shut up."

"Whoa, what was that?" he asks, not even bothering to hide his laughter. "I thought I heard her! But I can't see her!"

I kick his shin again. And again. And again.

"OK, OK, I get it!" he laughs before pulling me into a big hug. "Love you too, Zel."

We continue walking, beginning to head back home when we spot an old lady walking her poodle. "Aw, is that your little sister? Would she like a sticker?" the old lady asks Link. "Would she like to pet Mr. Fluffy?"

Zelink Week 2017 [Drabbles and Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now