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Day 4 of Zelink Week! So, it's winter. This oneshot is set in winter. And yeah. OK, I'm done. This is dedicated to Zelda0403 for creating these really awesome drawings - go check her work out if you have the chance. ^~^

Also, this is very short once again. Like, VERY short. D:

Please read, comment, vote, etc. I'm a very tired person. X_X



She seemed to be struggling on that ice, slipping and sliding about in this awkward fashion while trying to regain her balance. Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked rather embarrassed, doing her best to grip the side of the building she was beside.

Aryll hid a giggle from beside me, and I gave her a stern look, "You have to be polite, Ryll."

"But she's being silly, Link!" she exclaimed while another giggle slipped through her lips. "Why is she being so silly? Can she walk?" And, for my five-year-old sister, her question was a serious one.

I sighed, "Yes, Ryll, she can walk. She's just having trouble on the slippery ice."

Her brows scrunched up together in deep thought - as deep as a five-year-old can think. "But I can walk on the slippery, slidey ice, Link - and so can you!"

Gripping her hand tightly, I tried to force her to keep on moving, "Ryll, it's rude to stare."

"But I'm not staring!" Aryll protested loudly. "I'm just lookin', Link!"

Groaning, I did my best to drag her along behind me, "Ryll, let's go."

She piped up again, "But we need to help her, Link! We have to make sure she can walk!"

"Ryll, we have to go!" I gritted my teeth.

"But she's in trouble, Link!" Aryll was upset now, and her brows drew together. "And we have to save her! Come on, Link! Come on! Come on!" she tugged at my arm, slipping on the ice as well.

Rolling my eyes at my baby sister, I dragged her over to where the girl was, sliding on the ice and gripping the building she was next to tightly, holding on for dear life. While still clenching Aryll's hand tightly in mine, I stopped before the girl and extended a hand to her. She accepted it, and then I pulled her upright and let go.

She was still slipping around while she spoke, "Thank you... I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm just really clumsy, and this ice isn't helping at all..."

I stood shellshocked for a few moments. She was freaking gorgeous.

"Oh, it's alright!" piped in my little sister.

Oh no.

"We wanted to make sure you could walk," Aryll added, beaming.

The girl raised a brow while continuing to slide about on the ice. She reached out for the building wall again, but I took her hand in mine, holding it firmly so she wouldn't slip around anymore.

"Oh," was all the girl could say. She eyed my little sister curiously.

I cleared my throat quickly, "I'm so sorry - this is my little sister, Aryll, and she doesn't know when to stop talking sometimes..."

"Hey!" Aryll exclaimed in that little cute voice of hers.

The girl looked like she just about melted as her smile grew, "Well, thanks, Aryll - I really appreciate your concern. And thank you, um..."

"Link," I cut in. "My name's Link."

The girl brightened slightly, "I'm Zelda." Her eyes were so blue... They were almost mesmerizing...

A smile began playing about my lips, "Well, it's a pleasure meeting you - Zelda. I was just taking Aryll out to go get some hot chocolate around the corner at this little cafe - Would you care to join us?"

She looked a little uncertain. Thoughts of stranger danger were probably floating around in her head. If there were, she didn't mention it. With her gloved hand still in mine, she nodded, her smile growing a little more. "I would, thank you. Hot chocolate is the best, especially in this cold weather."

Aryll was triumphant, letting out a little squeal, "I knew that you could get a girlfriend eventually, Link! Now we can tell Grandma she's wrong and that you have!"

Zelda and I exchanged awkward glances before I ruffled my little sister's hair. I laughed before we continued walking down the sidewalk, "One step at a time, kiddo." 


Total Word Count:


Zelink Week 2017 [Drabbles and Oneshots]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat