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Day 10 of Zelink Week and Day 3 of the Master Quest. This one is short, like always, haha. This was the first thing I could think of for fire... so... meh.

Dedicated to Zelinkie for being consistent about these oneshots, haha. Thanks!!! <3

If you haven't already, check out the new chapter for Scars!!! ^_^

Please vote/comment cuz I'm a tired person - Thanks! :D <3 ^w^


She stood at the windowsill, her eyes wide open and terrified. The flames had just spread to the door, and she was paralyzed, unsure of what to do in that moment and way too frightened to even think. Her heart was beating a million miles an hour, and she couldn't move her feet. She could feel the heat spreading; it was coming closer to her, alluring yet so dangerous.

In her mind, she knew she had to move, yet she couldn't. She was frozen in the intense blazing fire. The edge was terrifying for a girl afraid of heights.

When she looked down, all she could see was the ground, but she was so dizzy that she wasn't sure how she would be able to save herself.

Her heart was racing as she clung to the side of the window; she couldn't tear her eyes away from the raging fire, however. The flames had now reached the floorboards of the room she was in, and she knew she would have to either jump or be burned within the next minute. She coughed from all the smoke and tried to cover her mouth with her sleeve.

"Zelda!" someone shouted from down beneath her.

And it was Link.

Her fear was slightly reduced at the sight of him, but the fire was creeping closer and closer, eager to devour her. She didn't know what to do; her head was beginning to hurt, and smoke was billowing past her into the open air.

She screamed, "Link!"

"You have to jump, Zelda! I'll catch you!" he yelled back up at her. "Just jump, Zelda!"

"I can't, Link! It's too high!" she coughed up more smoke.

He prepared to catch her, "You have to, Zelda! You need to jump!"

She glanced back at the fire uneasily before readying herself, "You have to PROMISE you'll catch me!"

"I promise, Zelda!" he shouted. "When have I ever failed you before?"

Sobbing into her sleeve, she took one last look at the approaching fire before taking a leap of faith and jumping to safety.

He caught her in his arms, just like he promised. Smoothing her hair, he checked to make sure she hadn't injured herself in any way. When he saw that she was well, he began weeping into her hair, "Zelda... I'm so glad you're okay..."

She clung to him desperately, smelling of smoke and burned material, "Link - Thank you."

He brought her head close to his heart, "You're safe now - I heard sirens and came running over as quickly as possible."

Breathing heavily and sobbing into his chest, all she could say was, "Thank you, Link... Thank you." 


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