Run Away

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Unwanted By Him

Chapter 12

Run Away

Angelica’s Pov

I drove on until I got to where I deemed a safe spot. I parked my motorcycle behind the McDonalds building and got out, shaking my hair free of the helmet. I hadn’t really thought through my plan, it was a split second decision.

I didn’t bring any money, or cloths or anything except for the cloths on m back and the stuff in my bag. Yes, I had brought a bag. It was under my motorcycle seat in my small storage area, but all I had in it was my emergency 20$, Chap Stick, and a pack of gum.

I walked into the McDonalds, not failing to notice the Help Wanted sign on the door, and went up to the desk, repeatedly looking behind my back for Zack, or any of the guys, coming to find me.

“Hi, and welcome to McDonalds, how may I help you?” A masculine voice asked me.

I turned around and looked at the worker. “Um” I said glancing up at the menu “Can I have a small fry and half a dozen chicken nuggets?” I asked.

The man sighed “Sorry but we only have four-piece, six-piece, and twelve-piece chicken nuggets.”

I stifled a laugh “Yeah, okay, you have six-piece chicken nuggets and not half a dozen?” I asked, with a sly grin.

“No ma’am” The worker said.

Rolling my eyes I responded by saying, “You do know that half-a-dozen is the same as six, right?”

The man’s cheeks turned a bright pink and he glanced down at the cash register and punched in some keys. “That’ll be 3.50” He said, clearly still embarrassed.

I handed him my 20, and he handed me my change back. I leaned against a wall, waiting for my order to come out. It didn’t take long for my order to come out, and I brought it to a random dining table. I sat down and pulled out my chicken nuggets. I sighed dramatically as I noticed that they had gotten my order wrong. Instead of six chicken nuggets they had gotten me twelve, but only paid me for six. Oh well, it was a good deal, I thought, until I saw that they had also given me an extra large hamburger with everything on it.

I huffed angrily, marching up to the front desk. “Excuse me?” I demanded their attention. This time a girl came over to me.

“Yes?” she asked me in an extremely deep voice.

I paused for a moment, before narrowing my eyes “May I speak to the manager?”

“Um” the girl seemed nervous for a moment “He’s not here at the moment, but I can give a message to him” She gave a half smile, but was really killing me with her eyes.

“Could you call him for me, then” I asked, refusing to give up.

“I’m so sorry, but he doesn’t like to be bothered when he’s not working.” The girl said, refusing to stop glaring at me”

“I’m sure he won’t kill you if you call him so-“ I paused, noticing out of the corner of my eye a sudden movement. It was a man running. He was running with MY food. MY freaking food. “Hey wait!”  I screamed at the guy who was running.

I chased after the man, into an alley not far from the restaurant. I discovered my food laying on the ground. I was acting like I was out of breath when really I wasn’t. I only did that in case the man who I was running after was nearby, and watching me.

“Well, well. What’s your name gorgeous?” A husky voice asked me.

I whorled around to face the man, the same one who had stolen my food. Immediately I noticed that he was a werewolf because he didn’t seem the least bit out of breath, and because of his wolfy smell. His eyes had a crazed look about them, and I could tell that he was a rouge.

Thankfully, the rouge wouldn’t know that I was a wolf too, because their senses of smell are deformed, and deranged. He wouldn’t know.

“I-I” I flakily stammered, still acting like I was out of breath.

“What is it!” The rouge roared.

I flinched back and whispered “They, they, c-call me Bell”

The man threw his head back and laughed. He really was crazed.

“Well Bell, I’m your worst nightmare.” He informed me.

“What are y-you going to d-do to me?” I asked, just like any human girl would, but in reality I was sizing up my opponent.

“Well first I’m gonna-” The rouge opened up his mouth when I heard a ferocious lion-like roar come from behind me. I turned around to see a wolf behind me. I froze; I would recognize that wolf anywhere. It was Jason’s beta, Ashton, and with him was Ricky, the gamma.

The rouge stopped midsentence, then looked at me “Sorry girly, this’ll have to wait” when he shifted into a wolf who’s fur was all tangled and had an even more crazed aura about it. I backed up.

‘Shift’ Moon snapped at me.

‘But’ I argued.

‘Now!’ Moon yelled at me.

Shocked into obedience I shifted into my solid black wolf. I hated shifting, and I didn’t do it often because every time I shifted it reminded me of the pain I had to go through when I first shifted early, all of the pain, the emotions.

‘As much as I’d love to stay and fight, me have to run!’ Moon told me as she took control of our body and ran out the other end of the alley. I heard panting behind me and I knew that somebody was chasing me.

‘Moon’ I said.

‘What?’ Moon snapped.

‘Somebody’s chasing us’ I told her.

‘You think I don’t know that’ Moon snapped at me once again. Geese, what a wonderful wolf to have.

‘I heard that’ Moon tried to sound angry, but failed seeing that I heard the humor in her voice.

All talking ceased as another wolf joined the one that was chasing me. Moon pushed our body to run even faster, and it worked, until exhaustion started to hit our body. We started to pant, and slow down, but Moon wasn’t about to give up. She jumped on top of a dumpster, then onto a low roof, then left to the next roof.

She turned around to see if a wolf had followed us, but they didn’t. We had successfully gotten away, and I was glad for it.

Moon allowed me to get back into control and I hopped roof to roof, until I finally found a safe and secretive way to get down. I got off the roof and raced into the forest, slowly though, because I was still recovering from my getaway. I used my hearing to judge were a source of running water was and located it.

I walked over to the water and took a long drink from it, until my thirst was fulfilled. Then I got up and walked around, I’d have to find a place to sleep tonight as a wolf, until I was able to get a pair of cloths and shift back.

What a life this was, running away from my rejected mate, running into my new family, driving toward my new home with my ex-mate then running away from them again. Life was so hard and unfair.

I discovered a willow tree and decided to make it my home until I regained all my strength again. I went around and gathered a bunch of sticks as a trap in case somebody decided to sneak up on me in my sleep, it was Moons idea.

I laid the sticks all around the area I would sleep, and as I was placing the final stick down a voice behind me said “boo”

Hey fans and readers! I am so sorry for the long wait for this not-very-special chapter. I didn’t realize so many days have passed since my last update, and I apologize many, many times for that! I know this chapter isn’t much, but it’s a start. We know that Angel may or may not be in danger. Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnnnn.

And muahahahahah! A cliff hanger!!! Please tell me what you though of the chapter, pwetty pwease! As always thank you every single one of you for voting and commenting, it means the world to me!

Picture is of Angelicas wolf, and the vid is the song Run Away by Avril Lavigine (I love her music!)

Unwanted By Him (On Hold, sorry!!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz