Crazy Beautiful Life

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Unwanted By Him

Crazy Beautiful Life

Chapter Five

Angelica’s POV

I was woken up by a blood curling scream. I had sat up immediately in my bed, banding heads with the person standing above me. It was Parker, obviously, who else could have thought of a more mature way as to waking me up. I lifted up my hand and rubbed my forehead angrily.

“What was that for” I muttered, not liking the idea of waking up early at all, with ringing ears.

“I had to wake you up” Parker starred at me innocently, his blue eyes stretched wide to make him appear more innocent, but I was having none of that. No way could he even make me think for a second that he was innocent!

“By screaming?” I let disbelief and annoyance fill my words, although Parker (sadly) knew that I could never get mad with him or anybody in the pack. Whenever they really got on my nerves I just thought of what they did for me, and the annoyance disappeared immediately. Plus my pack was just to loveable.

“How else would I get you to wake up?” Parker asked me, with a smirk playing at his lips, but I couldn’t argue back, I was a really heavy sleeper. I never woke up to just somebody shaking me, so it has became some kind of game between the guys (and Emily) to come up with creative ways to wake me up each morning. I remember the other day Zack had taken a bucket of freezing cold water and dumped it on me, then ‘accidently’ dropped the bucket on my head. Now that I think about it, almost every time they wake me up I get a head injury. That must not be very safe for me.

“Can’t you just let me sleep in” I moaned tiredly. My pack has decided to wake me up at 8:30 a.m. every day, and it killed me since I enjoy staying up late having my nose stuffed in some novel. It was very interesting to see how many romance novels the humans had came up with, or vampire novels, not that just disgusted me. Like really, a romance story including a blood-sucking heartless vampire? I pity those poor human characters in romance vampire novels.

“ANGEL!!” Parker shouted, making me jump about three or four feet into the air, in fact, I was so surprised that I fell off my bed. Okay, feel free to laugh… now shut up!

“Don’t you know that laughing at somebody is rude, Parker” I shot a glare at Parker from my side of the bed- err, floor. I stood up, not bothering to dust myself off before pouncing on Parker. We both landed on the floor with a noise the sounded an awful like ‘oomph’ before I ran in terror from Parker.  

“Mike” I screamed as I heard footsteps pounding on the floor behind me, and that only meant one thing. Parker was coming to get me! I stopped for a moment before charging into the kitchen, grinning I raced through the doorway and into the living room where I sat down casually beside Collin, and Zack. I covered my mouth in a yawn and watched as Parker came racing into the room.

He searched around the room for a place where I might be hiding, but didn’t seem to notice me blending into the background. “Where’d Angel go?” he asked, his eyes still roaming around the room.

“Outside” Collin answered, thankfully covering up the giggles escaping from my lips as I pressed myself as hard as I could against the couch. Parker nodded and raced out of the cozy little living room using out mind link to massage me.

‘I’m coming to get you Angel’ he threatened, almost making me burst out in laughter on the wooden floor, but I managed to control myself.

“So what’s up?” I casually asked Collin, my eyes focusing on the TV. They were playing reruns of a football game, but I didn’t really care. I don’t really watch TV anymore; I just spend all my time running from either Parker, or Zack, or Parker, or Emily, or Zack, or Parker. I think you get it, I’m always running for my life from Parker, Emily, or Zack.

“Boo” A creepy voice came from behind me, making me scream like a little girl scared to death in a haunted house that wasn’t very scary anyways.

“Zack, I hate you!” I exclaimed when I cut my startled scream off, Parker certainly knew where I was now!

Zack sniffed mockingly “Y-You can’t h-hate me” he frowned, acting extremely childish.

I snorted “Zack shut up” I glanced around wildly, searching for any signs of Parker sneaking up on me.  

Zack gasped “You told me to shut me?” he asked disbelievingly, while I nodded in response. “You’ll pay for that” Zack repeated the words that Parker had said to me.

Zack grabbed my arms and held them behind my bad, and I stretched my foggy blue eyes wide. I didn’t hate my body anymore; I was skinny now, partly from being separated from my mate, partly from eating healthier, and partly for running so much. Emily also reassured me that my eyes weren’t ugly as I thought they were, she actually told me that she was jealous of my eyes and how they showed so much emotion, but I wasn’t sure that I liked that part of them.

“Parker!!” I heard Zack yell out, as I wiggled crazily, begging Collin to help me, but he just smiled with an amused twinkle in his eyes, and made no move to help me.

Parker appeared within moments, grinned, “Keep her there” he told Zack as he advanced on me. I started to wiggle again as Parkers fingers attacked my sides, tickling me to death.

I laughed until there were tears in my eyes, and that’s when Zack let go of my arms and pinned me to the ground and tickled me there. I burst out in another unwanted laughing fit until Emily came and scolded the boys for torturing me. Then I was let up, wiping tears from my eyes.

“Did you tell Angel about the letter?” Emily asked Parker, and I froze. Who was the letter from?

My old pack Alfa, or Jason, or even his beta, please not let it be Elaine or Kayla. I hope nobody has discovered my location! “Angel, honey, it’s not from your old pack” Emily said, her words lathered sympathy. I hated it, I didn’t want sympathy, I didn’t want Jason, and still don’t! Jason is a pig, through and though and there’s no way he could change, nor could I ever forgive him.

“Who’s it from then? I got my voice back. My past always did that to me, it got me lost and made me lose my voice. I hated that, too. I hated feeling weak. Basically, I hated my life up until this point.

“The counsel” Parker replied, and that got my attention at once.

“What’d they want?” I asked, wide-eyed. A letter from the counsel was never good, it either meant you were in trouble or there was trouble.

“There’s a meeting. We might have to join up with a bigger pack for out own safety” Parker gave me a half smile as I gasped. If we joined a bigger pack that pack would find out who I was- and who I left! Then they’d tell Jason, and I did not want that.

“When’s the meeting” I whispered. If it was before my birthday I don’t know what I’d do because I wanted to spend my birthday with my pack, and if it was after my birthday I’d still be plenty upset.

“The meeting is June 10th” Parker exhaled loudly, obviously upset too. “but” Parker said before I could say anything “we would move to a pack on the 30th” Parker gave me a small smile, though I was still upset. It would be so soon, only three days ‘till Parker would have to leave. This was so not fair!

Right when I was about to have everything I’ve ever wanted, a birthday with my family, and it would be interrupted. I’d have seven days after my birthday before we’d have to move. We’d have to pack up again and leave to live with strangers until- until what? “What’s it for?” I asked, my voice sounding hollow even to myself.

“Rogues are planning an attack apparently” Parker wrinkled his nose. I just nodded, but smiled to keep the mood light.

“So who’s winning?” I asked indicating to the TV that was now showing pictures of the crowd, all dressed in the same basic colors, blue, and white.  

Song of the chapter is So Small by Carrie Underwood!

The picture is of Parker Loy.  

I hope you all liked it! I tried to make this chapter longer to make up for the short chapter I had posted previously! Thanks so much for fanning me, and commenting, and voting! IT means so much to me every time I see I’ve earned a fan, or I’ve gotten twenty votes. Thank you so much, everybody!

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