Chapter 30

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*Emma's POV*

I slowly settled into the second half of my pregnancy, my anxiety easing a bit more every day. Killian had let me put off the baby shower, knowing it'd make it worse if something happened. But today we were going in for our 34 week ultrasound and if things were still looking good we were going to plan it for two weeks from now.

"Relax, Swan," Killian told me as I sat on the exam table waiting for the doctor, squeezing my hand gently. "You do this every time we come in, and every time she says things are perfect. Just relax for me, okay?"

"Sorry," I answered guiltily, forcing myself to relax as I ran my free hand over my now giant belly. "I'm trying, I just wish it wasn't so hard."

"You heard the doctor, love," he said in that tone he always got when he was trying to take care of me. "Stress is bad for the little one, and even if something did happen and the baby were to be born, it's very likely it'd be fine."

"Don't worry," the doctor reiterated as she came in. "You're in the home stretch here and everything has been fine to this point."

"I know that," I sighed as I leaned back to let her start the ultrasound, knowing I was annoying. "And I know you all must hate repeating yourself all the time, but I can't help but worry. I worry all the time. Literally, all the time."

"Love, it's alright," Killian stopped me, sliding his free arm around my shoulders and kissing my forehead lightly. "No one blames you for worrying, and I'm always going to be here to tell you it's alright. No matter how many times you ask me to, I always will."

"Thank you," I told him quietly, leaning into his embrace and looking at the doctor. "How does everything look?"

"Perfect," she assured me with a smile, cleaning the goo off my abdomen. "It looks like you're starting to dilate, though. It shouldn't effect you really, but you might deliver before your due date. Now, are you sure you don't want to know the sex?"

"Well," I looked up at Killian, getting a slight nod before looking back to her. "I'm getting ready to deliver in the next few weeks, right? So it'll be okay?"

"It'll be fine," she said again. "I am going to put you on steroids to help the lungs develop a bit more, but other than that, you have a very healthy baby in there."

"Okay," I swallowed hard, glancing at Killian again."Then I guess it'd be nice to be able to name them... and stop calling them a them."

"That's fair," she laughed lightly, handing me my new sonogram picture. "Well, I'm sure your little girl will appreciate that."

"Girl?" I asked, my voice cracking and my hand going to my stomach where the baby was kicking. "It... she's a girl?"

"She is," she nodded. "So I'll see you two and your little girl in here next week to check how you're progressing."

"So," Killian prompted me as he helped me get my shoes back on and get up. "You don't have plans for the afternoon, right?"

"Not that I know of," I answered cautiously, happily twining our fingers together when he took my hand as we left. "Why? Did you have something planned?"

"You'll just have to wait and see," he smirked, lifting our hands to his lips to kiss the back of mine. We walked home at a leisurely pace, happy to have an afternoon together. "I know you've been afraid to have the baby shower, but are you feeling any better about it?"

"A little," I nodded, my other hand coming to rest on my stomach as we got on the elevator at home. "Now that I'm sure she's going to be okay, I feel like I can finally stop worrying. At least I hope I can."

"Of course you can," he assured me, letting go of my hand to slide his arm around my waist and bring me closer. "We'll have our girl here soon enough, love, I promise."

Before I could answer the elevator door opened and I was greeted with a loud chorus of 'surprise'. I jumped slightly, most definitely surprised.

"What even..." I looked around seeing streamers and balloons, soon realizing what all this was and looking up at Killian with tears in my eyes. "Did... did you throw me a baby shower?"

"I did," he answered with a shy smile, scratching behind his ear nervously. "I know you wanted to wait until we were sure, but I knew we'd find out today and I wanted to surprise you."

"Thank you," I nearly sobbed, throwing my arms around his neck to hug him tightly. I squeezed my eyes shut against the tears, my heart swelling with more affection for him than I'd ever be able to put into words. "It's absolutely perfect."

*Killian's POV*

I watched Emma slowly relax into the party with all of our friends, playing all the ridiculous games and things that Mary Margaret had insisted on. I hadn't thought she'd like them, but she was clearly loving them. I hadn't seen her so completely care free in a long time. Don't get me wrong, she was almost always happy, but there was always lingering fear behind her eyes that it seemed only I noticed. Right now though, she was so lit up, she could put the sun to shame.

I tried to sit back and let her have her fun, but she always made sure I was just as involved. I had no objection to being close to her or reveling in the happiness of finally having a child with her, it all just took my breath away sometimes. She insisted on helping clean up after everyone left as well, brushing me off when I tried to insist that I could do it myself or get Luke to help me.

"Thank you," she said out of nowhere as we were getting ready for bed that night, taking my hand when my eyes met hers. "Today was so much more than perfect, I'll never be able to thank you enough for it. Especially with how annoying I've been."

"You're not annoying," I chuckled lightly, using my free hand to tuck her stray hair behind her ear. "You're making an entirely new person, and considering what happened last time, no one blames you for being worried. I've been bloody terrified every day. But we're almost there, so all we need to worry about now is naming our girl."

"I know, I just," she sighed, reaching up to cup my cheek in her delicate hand as she leaned forward to cover my lips with hers. "Thank you for being you. I never would have survived any of this without you."

"I told you, Swan," I smiled, pressing another sweet kiss to her lips. "Always."

Yes, it's been beyond far too long, I know. But I finally got my new computer so I'm hoping to get you updates more often. Anyway, please let me know what you thought of this chapter and if you have any ideas. Thanks! See you soon, loves!

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