Chapter 26

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*Emma's POV*

"Emma! Emma, damn it, wake up!" I woke up in the middle of the night to my friends standing in front of me with a flashlight. "Come on, before we wake up lover boy!"

"What are you doing here?" I asked, slipping out of Killian's arms and going into the hall with them. "Its the middle of the night, is something wrong?"

"No seeing the bride before the wedding," was all Ruby said before they started dragging me down the hall.

"Guys!" I snapped, stopping dead. "Killian's going to worry if he wakes up and I'm not there. Is that stupid tradition really that big of a deal?"

"Of course it is," Mary Margaret insisted. "We left him a note, hun, don't worry."

"But, I," I swallowed hard, my voice going quiet. "I haven't slept away from him since... since Henry..."

"Hold on," she sighed, slipping back into my room and emerging with one of Killian's hoodies. "Here. Maybe this will help?"

"Thank you," I said quietly, tugging it over my head and letting it surround me with Killian's scent. "But I'm telling you right now, if I can't sleep I'm going back."

I tossed in bed for over an hour before finally going out to the balcony. They were all asleep so I headed out further to sit in the sand with my toes in the water. I heard Killian call for me from inside our room, probably just having woken to find me gone, having to close my eyes and force myself not to answer. I heard a crash from our patio, both hoping he'd go back to bed and come out here.

"Bloody women," I heard him mutter to himself a few feet away, peeking up through my hair to watch him. "Taking my fiancé in the middle of the night. They've lost their bloody minds."

"They sound like a handful," I heard myself tease him before I could stop myself. His eyes snapped down to me and I smirked. "Hey, stranger."

"Emma," he breathed, coming to sit next to me and gathering me into his arms. I snuggled closer to him, closing my eyes with a content sigh. "I think I hate your friends right now, love."

"Me too," I mumbled, already starting to doze now that I was back with him. "I tried to tell them I couldn't sleep, but they wouldn't listen."

"Shh," he soothed my rambling, stroking my hair gently as he slowly lay us back. I settled readily on his chest, the sand surprisingly comfortable. "Sleep now. I'm here, just like always."

I only hummed in response, passing out mere moments later. I woke up to the light of dawn, feeling him carrying me somewhere. He lay me on the hammock on the girls' patio but I clung to him.

"You've got to let go, Swan," he said softly, gently prying my hands off him. "If they see you with me they're never going to let it go. I'll see you soon, I promise."

He pressed his lips to mine far too briefly, then my stomach before leaving me. When I woke again it was to Ruby, and we set to getting ready. I was in my own world the entire time, more focused on getting to noon than their gossiping. I gave my eyes a natural look but painted my lips a bright matte red, giving my hair a bit more curl before pinning up one side with a white flower.

"Emma?" Mary Margaret got my attention, pulling me from my thoughts. "You ready for your dress? It's almost time."

"Sure," I nodded and got up from my seat at the vanity. "Sorry, I was just thinking."

"About what?" She asked gently as she zipped up my dress and fixed my hair. "Cold feet?"

"Not at all," I shook my head, smiling to myself when I thought about my conversation with Killian the day before

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"Not at all," I shook my head, smiling to myself when I thought about my conversation with Killian the day before. "I love Killian, and I can't wait to be his wife. I just... I feel like I'm going to screw up my vows or something."

"You'll do great," she assured me with a knowing smile. "We're all going to be there for you. And besides, that man loves you so much, the only way you could mess this up is if you didn't show."

"I guess so," I giggled and turned to face her. "Do I look okay? The dress isn't too simple?"

"It's perfect," she nodded, handing me my small bouquet. "Now let's go get you married, alright?"

I took a deep breath and nodded, following them out to the beach. I didn't wear shoes so the sand squished between my toes every step of the way. When I heard the soft music playing I stopped in my tracks, looking for the man I knew would be there.

And there he was waiting for me, the biggest smile on his face. A grin spread across my lips in response and my feet continued across the sand to meet him. Mary Margaret took my bouquet and all I could focus on was his hands in mine until it came time for our vows.

"Well, love, I don't even know where to start," Killian chuckled lightly and I half smiled, squeezing his hands. "I tried countless times to write these vows since the moment you said yes, but all I can say is that I love you. I think I loved you the moment I pulled you out of the street, and I've loved you more with every passing day. I'm grateful for every part of my life that failed, because it brought me to you."

"How you expect me to follow that, I don't know," I let out a watery laugh as he slid the ring on my finger to join my engagement ring, making his grin widen. "Because you're not the only one who fell in love that day. I turned into a total idiot for you before I even knew what was happening, and from that day on I was yours. We've been through a lot since then, both good and bad, and while I wish I could change a few select decisions of mine, I know we'll more than make up for it in the years to come."

I slid his ring on and he barely waited to be told to kiss me. My arms slid around his neck and I stretched up on my toes to hold him to me, his low groan making me want him desperately. Someone cleared their throat and we pulled away, grinning at each other with our foreheads pressed together.

"If you two can pry yourselves away," Ruby said with mock annoyance. "Then maybe we can get to the party on time."

"In a minute," Killian smirked, making me giggle when he grabbed me back to him.

*Killian's POV*

Emma looked so happy it was like a glow that radiated off of her. We were just at one of those cliche luaus that seemed utterly ridiculous to me, but she was having the time of her life. I held her in my lap, her arm around my shoulder with her fingers toying with the hair at the back of my neck as we talked with everyone.

"You seem happy," I commented when we got a moment alone, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I am," she answered simply, her smile growing when she looked at me. Her free hand slid up my chest, her thumb running over my jaw. "Very happy. Aren't you?"

"I'm beyond happy," I smiled up at her, covering her hand with mine and pressing a kiss to her palm. "I couldn't be happier if I tried, Swan. I get to keep you now, always."

"You already had me forever," she smiled softly, her cheeks going pink. "Besides, it's Jones now, remember?"

"Is it?" I asked with surprise, quirking my eyebrow. "I wasn't aware you were taking my name."

"Of course I am," she told me with a sweet kiss. "We're a family now. That's Henry's last name, and that will be this little one's last name."

"You gave Henry my last name?" I asked quietly. "Why... why would you do that?"

"He was your son," she said just as softly, her gaze gentle and her fingers running through my hair soothingly. "From the moment you decided to be a part of his life he was yours, even before we knew he was yours. It was only right he have your name."

"Just when I thought I couldn't love you more," I remarked before bringing her down to my lips. Hers upturned under mine when I tugged her closer, forming her body to mine as we sunk into each other.

I hope it was everything you wanted it to be! I'm not sure if I should write more of their honeymoon or go to when they get home, so please let me know what you'd prefer. Also, is it too fluffy? Do I need to add drama? Thoughts?

Also, thank you for the concern for my little one. She's holding on for now, so we're hopeful, but I can keep you updated if you like. Later, loves!

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