Chapter 15

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*Emma's POV*

I woke up colder than usual, groaning and rolling over to where Killian should have been but he was gone. The bed was cold meaning he'd been up for a while and didn't plan on coming back to bed, making it impossible for me to even try to go back to sleep. I sat up with a sigh, holding the sheet to my bare chest and looking around the room. I hated how plain his walls were, making a note in my head to decorate while I was on bed rest as I got up and slipped on his tshirt from the floor.

I wandered downstairs, both my hands on my bump and my head pounding again like yesterday. Killian was on his knees on the floor, wearing a blue plaid shirt over a black tshirt and jeans while trying to zip an overstuffed bag. I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, leaning my cheek against his.

"Hey there, beautiful," he said with a smile in his voice, turning just enough to gently pull me down into his lap with his arms around me. "I was wondering when I'd see you. How are my favorite two people this morning?"

"Cold," I mumbled sleepily, wrapping my arms around him and closing my eyes again as I cuddled into him. "You weren't there when I woke up, I don't like it."

"My apologies, love," he said as he kissed my forehead, holding me close and rubbing my back gently. "I'll make it up to you, I just wanted to make sure everything was ready when you got up so we could go. Did you still want to go?"

"Mhmm," I nodded against his chest, much more comfortable in his warm embrace. "I'm just tired still. I told you I can't sleep without you anymore."

"You can go back to sleep in the car," he promised. "And I'll set up the tent for you so you can take a nap, alright?"

"Mkay," I sighed, not moving from his arms. "Does that mean I have to move?"

"Just to get dressed," he said with a bit of a chuckle. "But I can carry you if you like."

"No," I sighed, sitting up a bit to look in his eyes. "You just finish getting us ready and I'll go get dressed. Once we're settled it's just you and me, and I can't even tell you how excited I am for that."

"Me too, Swan," he smiled, sliding one of his hands up into my hair and bringing me to his lips. I sighed, melting into him and his perfectly loving kiss. "Now go get dressed before I get lost in you and we never get to the campground."

I just smiled, kissing him again quickly but deeply before getting up. I could feel his eyes on me, glancing back and giggling to myself at his look of desire as I went back upstairs. Mary Margaret had brought over a bag of clothes for me last night since I didn't really have many here so I dug out an outfit, hoping it'd work.

"Okay, babe, I'm ready," I said as I came back down, my hair now in loose pigtails

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"Okay, babe, I'm ready," I said as I came back down, my hair now in loose pigtails. "Is there anything you want me to do?"

"Just go ahead down to the car," he said simply, that concerned tone in his voice as he came over to me from the kitchen and handed me a smoothie and my vitamins. "Its the blue truck next to my motorcycle with all the equipment in the bed. I need to grab one more thing and I'll join you."

"You sure?" I asked, taking my vitamins in front of him since I knew he liked to be sure I took them. "I can help if you want."

"You taking care of you is all the help I need," he assured me with a small smile as he tucked a bit of stray hair behind my ear. "Just take your adorable butt downstairs and we'll go in a few minutes."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help my smile, kissing his cheek before doing as he told me. The inside of the truck smelled intensely of him, making me smile even more to myself as I drank the smoothie he made me and waited for him. Not five minutes later something else was thrown in the back and he climbed in with me.

He pulled out of the parking stall and placed his hand on mine on my thigh but I flipped my hand, letting his fingers settle between mine. He lifted our hands to kiss the back of mine, letting them rest on my lap again as he drove. I loved the idle conversation we had most of the time, it was so stupid it made me feel like a teenager in love and it was wonderful.

"You know," I sighed as he helped me down from the truck, being far too careful with me like always. "I think I like the motorcycle better."

"Is that so?" He smirked, wrapping his arms around me to pull me close. "And why's that, Swan?"

"I'm pretty sure you know the answer to that," I smiled, biting my lip as I wrapped my arms around him and slid my hands into his back pockets. "I don't get to be nearly as close to you and it makes me miss you."

"Sorry, love, but you might just have to get used to it," he sighed and my face settled into a pout. "Hey, no, don't do that. You know it's safer with the little one on the way, and once they're here it's not like we can take them on there with us."

"Fine," I pouted even more. "But just because you're right doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Noted," he smiled softly and kissed me gently. "Now, why don't I get you a chair and you can relax while I get the tent set up?"

"But I feel so lazy," I whined like a three year old, making his smile grow. "I feel like I should be helping with something."

"You're doing the hardest thing on the planet," he insisted. "You're making a whole new person. So all you need to do is let me take care of you."

"Stubborn ass," I sighed, kissing him again before he let me go. He set up a foldable lounge chair for me and gave me a bottle of water, setting to work on the tent. I decided to try to get some sun since he wouldn't let me do anything, grabbing my bikini from my bag and changing behind some trees. When I came back I stopped dead, dropping my clothes when I saw Milah holding a knife to Killian's throat.

*cue dramatic music* you're welcome, loves.

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