Chapter 16

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* Emma's POV *

"Pigtails? Really?" Milah scoffed at me, making Killian wince when she pulled his head back by his hair and I instinctively took a step forward. "I swear, it's like you're trying to annoy me."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said as calmly as I could, stepping slowly towards them. "Please just... let him go and we can figure something out."

"Stop!" She snapped at me and I froze when she dug the knife into his neck. "Don't come any closer!"

"Okay," I said quickly, holding my hands up in surrender as tears leaked down my face and my voice hitched a bit. "I won't move, just please, please don't hurt him."

"He deserves it!" She yelled at me and I saw a line of blood starting to weep from his skin. "You get pregnant and he turns his life upside down, but he never did that for me! He didn't even know you!"

"Milah," I tried but she cut me off.

"No!" She practically screeched, sobbing as she threatened him. "We tried! We did everything we could but I still couldn't keep it! And he just left me!"

"You miscarried," I said my realization aloud, things making way more sense in my head as I tried to talk her down. "Now I know why you hate me so much, I was given your last chance at getting him back. But none of this was anyone's fault."

"It is!" She insisted. "Its his fault! We could have tried again but he left me! They were supposed to hold the sample but they didn't! That should be my baby!"

"You're right," I agreed in a desperate attempt to get her to let him go. "Maybe this should be your baby, but maybe the universe knew better. He doesn't love you the way you love him, and a baby wouldn't have changed that, just like hurting him won't change what happened. Please just let him go, don't make this baby grow up without him."

I saw her snap and braced for the worst but she did the last thing I expected. She threw him forward and I quickly caught him in my arms, falling to my knees where he was as she sprinted away.

"Oh my god, Killian," I said as I carefully touched his neck and he winced, holding my waist. "Are you okay?"

"I am now," he assured me, a look of awe in his eyes when I looked up. "H-how did you do that? You talked her down, you... you saved my life."

"I couldn't let her hurt you," I said quietly, trying not to cry any more but failing miserably. "I love you, you idiot, remember?"

"You're so bloody stupid," he sighed, pulling me into a tight hug and burying his face in my hair. "She could have easily killed you and the baby, you should have just run."

"I've done my share of running," I said as he held me, closing my eyes and holding onto him for dear life. "But running from you is something I'll never do."

"You stupid stubborn woman," he muttered, kissing along my jaw to my lips to dominate my mouth. I just let him, holding myself to him as our tounges tangled and fought for control. He moved us towards the tent and I landed on top of him where he'd set up blankets for us earlier. My lips traveled along his jaw to his neck, making his breath hitch. "You just planning to kiss it better, love?"

"Maybe," I teased him, then realizing I might be hurting him. "But I can stop if you want me to."

"God no, don't stop," he begged me, groaning when I started to suck on his neck. I ground my hips against his in rhythm with my mouth, feeling him grow harder and harder as I did. "Fuck, baby, I want you so bad."

"Then take me," I said simply, gasping when he quickly flipped us over. His lips found their way to my neck, making my breath come faster as he slowly marked every bit of me as his. I quickly pulled his shirt off of him, my nails raking his back as I did.


"Take off that bloody swimsuit right now," he commanded, pulling away to zip the door of the tent. I did as I was told, on my knees when I felt his chest against my back. His hand traveled from my hip to my breast, making me moan as he started to once again suck on my neck. I leaned my head back on his shoulder with my eyes closed, gripping his hair as his other hand slid down to tease me.

"Killian," I practically moaned his name, biting my lip as my body begged for him. "Please...please just take me... I need you."

I felt him smirk against my skin and suddenly he was inside me, making me cry out with pleasure.


A while later we were sprawled across the floor of the tent together, the blankets covering only strategic areas. He was running his fingers along my back, his eyes on me and a small smile on his lips. I was laying across his chest, his arms around me as I kissed gently along the welt on his neck.

"This," he sighed, his fingertips brushing along my spine as I looked up at him. "This is exactly what I wanted. But, you know, minus the almost getting killed by my ex wife."

"Well I would assume not that part," I giggled a bit and he grinned, brushing my hair away from my face. "But it is nice out here. It's so quiet and I don't have to worry about employees walking in on us."

"True," he nodded, holding my arm as my fingertips toyed with his chest hair. "I left everything at home but my phone, and even that's off in the car. I just want this, this perfect quiet with only you."

"I honestly never realized how much it bothered me," I admitted a bit shyly, resting my chin on his chest. "That was just how it was, but all morning it's just been you and me and it really has been absolutely perfect."

"Well we get a whole week of just you and me," he promised with a sweet kiss. "Why don't I go get us some firewood from the camp store up the road and I'll make us a late lunch?"

"Alright," I sighed and he rolled on top of me, capturing my lips in a deep kiss that took my breath away. "What was that for?"

"I just love you," he smiled, kissing me again sweetly. "I'll be back in a few minutes. Try not to miss me too much?"

"I guarantee nothing," I teased him, making him smirk as he got up and pulled on his jeans. "Just don't make me hunt you down."

After he left I put my bikini back on and went back outside, laying out in the lounge chair to try again to get some sun. I closed my eyes with a content sigh, the quiet sounds of nature and the warmth of the sun on my skin so relaxing I felt my stomach flutter.

*Killian's POV *

Emma was lying in the sun when I got back, the sight stopping me in my tracks. She hadn't noticed me yet, her eyes closed as she lazily dragged her fingertips over her bump. I knew exactly what that felt like, the vivid memories of all the times she'd touched me exactly like that running through my mind as I watched her.

"You just going to watch me all afternoon?" She asked, apparently having felt my presence and opening her eyes as a teasing smile came to her face. "Or are you planning to come over here at some point?"

"Bloody siren," I smirked and put the firewood down, making her smile grow as she bit her lip. "Are you hungry at all?"

"Not really," she shook her head, grabbing my wrist when I got close enough and pulling me down to kiss me deeply with her other hand on the back of my neck. "Mmm... but will you sit with me?"

"Demanding, aren't you?" I teased her and kissed her sweetly when she blushed. "I'd love to. Just let me grab a blanket for us to lie on."

She nodded and I did just that, bringing her with me and having her sit between my legs. She leaned back against my still bare chest and I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close as she opened her book. It appeared to be a pregnancy book, one of the many she'd been consumed in reading lately, and it made me smile. I happily read it with her, her fingers running along my arms seemingly absent mindedly as we sat together. This week was going to be so perfect.

You guys are great with your comments, I love it. I'll try to update again, but just a heads up, the dram is not as over as it seems 😈😈

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