Chapter 32

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*Emma's POV*

"Just go around, you bloody invalid!" Killian yelled out the car window, getting more agitated the more irritated other drivers got with us. "I'm not going any faster with my daughter in this car, so I don't understand why they don't catch on." 

"Because," I giggled at him. I was in the back seat with the baby, my gaze trained on her wide curious eyes. "Not that it bothers me, but most people aren't aware that we have our personal miracle in our backseat."

"Right," he sighed, clearly trying to calm himself. Usually traffic didn't bother him, but with her back here he refused to go more than fifteen miles an hour- even in the city. "We only have another block, so we'll be home soon."

"It only took us almost an hour," I teased him, seeing him smirk in the rearview mirror. "Are you ready to see your room, baby girl? Daddy just finished it for you this morning."

"Well some people took two days to name her, otherwise I would have finished sooner," he pointed out, though I knew he was just teasing me as well. We pulled into the parking garage and I immediately started unbuckling her. I did not like having her out of my arms at all. "You head on up, love. I'll grab the diapers."

"We can wait," I assured him. He grabbed the diapers and other things we'd brought to the hospital and lead me to the elevator. I could tell he was excited as I followed him towards the nursery, stopping dead in the doorway. "Killian... It-it's beautiful."

We'd decided on a theme together, but seeing it finished was something else entirely. Something about a fairytale forest just seemed right. Everything about it was absolutely perfect, including the name Ava Joy spelled out over her crib.

"I was hoping you'd like it," he answered almost shyly and I saw his cheeks and ears flush. "I got an extra bassinet for our room, just in case."

"Thank you," I told him tearfully, looking back down at our daughter. "I'm not ready to let her go yet. I know she needs to be in her own room, just... not yet."

"I know, love," he assured me with a kiss to my temple. "Why don't I just take her while you shower? We'll make you something to eat, yeah?"

"Okay," I agreed reluctantly as I moved her gently to his arms. I sighed and kissed her forehead lightly. "Mommy will be done soon, baby girl, don't worry. Be good for daddy."

Killian kissed me lightly and headed back down to the kitchen. The only reason I'd agreed was because I knew he was as protective of her as I was. She'd be more than safe with him.

That shower felt so good, I couldn't begin to explain it. I'd had one at the hospital, but it wasn't the same as being at home and just being able to relax under the hot water. After everything, it felt glorious. I dressed comfortably when I pried myself away, hurrying downstairs when I heard the baby crying.

"Oh, good," Killian said when he saw me, looking relieved. "I'm sorry, love, I think she's hungry."

"Well, then we can try this nursing thing again," I half smiled, taking her tiny body from his much larger arms. She'd had trouble in the hospital, but I was determined. "Come on, little one, I know you can do it."

"There she goes," Killian pointed out triumphantly. "I knew she'd get it."

"That's it, Norah," I smiled down at her, slowly going to sit on the sofa. "I was so worried she wouldn't get it. There's nothing wrong with formula, I just really wanted to do this for her."

"I know, Swan," he said with a sigh as he sat next to us. His arm fell around my shoulders, pulling me a bit closer so he could kiss my temple. "But you do everything for her, I don't think anyone would blame you if you didn't want to. I've heard it's difficult to keep up with."

"So have I," I agreed. I fixed my shirt when Norah pulled away, now asleep. "But I'm going to try at least. I can always change my mind."

I was apparently so used to doing things myself over the years, I was struggling to accept help with her. Even from Killian. And I could tell it was upsetting him, i just hoped this didn't tear us apart.

I know it's shorter than usual, but I've had most of this sitting here for almost a year. I'll try to get another chapter, but Killian (my 4month old son) has been sick and has to go to the doctor this morning. Hope to see you soon! Later, loves!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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