Chapter 18

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*Emma's POV*

Killian took me back to his place when they released me from the hospital a few days later, getting me settled in bed before heading to my apartment to get me some more clothes. They hadn't let me move in days so as soon as he was gone I got up, wandering down to his office to see if he had any good books. I was perusing one of his bookcases when I found something strange, a disc with my name and a date on it from really early in my pregnancy. I popped it in his computer, figuring my name gave me permission enough to find out what it was.

"Oh my god," I gasped, quickly pausing it after only a few moments. 

"Swan, what are you doing down here?" Killian's voice cut into my reeling thoughts and my eyes snapped up to glare at him. "Love? What's wrong?"

"What the fuck is this?!" I yelled, clearly taking him by surprise. "We've been together less than four months and you think it's okay to tape us having sex?!"

"Woah, love, what are you talking about?" He asked and came over to desk as I pressed play, his eyes widening when our mutual sounds of pleasure erupted from the speakers. "Where the bloody hell did this come from?!"

"You tell me," I snapped, getting up and crossing my arms over my chest. "I came in here looking for a book and find a DVD with my name on it instead! You know, it'd be one thing if we'd discussed this, but you didn't even tell me!"

"Emma, sweetheart, please," he tried, holding his hands up in surrender as he tried to step closer to me. "I swear to you, I didn't do this."

"Save it," I sighed in frustration and anger, storming out to the living room to grab my bag with him right behind me. "I'm done. Call me when you can grow up and talk to me about this like an adult."

"Emma, please!" He called after me but the elevator doors were already shutting. I held onto my anger the entire cab ride home, scaring the hell out of my roommates when I slammed the door behind me.

"Emma, what are you doing here?" Ruby asked from the kitchen where she was making herself a drink. "I thought you were on bedrest at Mr. Billionaire's place."

"Yeah, that's until I found out he was a fucking pervert," I said with way too much attitude, staring longingly at her drink as I drank my bottled smoothie. There was a knock on the front door and I groaned. "I'm going to my room, if he asks, I'm not here."

I brought my stuff upstairs and flopped onto my bed, still in Killian's clothes. I still smelled like him and it both pissed me off and comforted me at the same time. I could see most of the living room so I watched as Mary Margaret walked to the door to open it. Killian came in with an almost frantic look on his face, my anger flaring again when I saw him.

"Is Emma here?" He asked desperately. "We had a fight and she just ran out. She's supposed to be on bedrest, I'm really worried about her and the baby."

"They're fine," she assured him gently. "She, uhm, called, but she didn't tell us what happened."

"She, well," he struggled, scratching behind his ear the way he did when he was nervous. "She found a tape of us... together in my office."

"Wow," Ruby almost laughed. "Smooth move, man. You have to tell a girl before you tape her, rookie mistake."

"I didn't tape us," he snapped, the flare in his temper turning me on without permission. "I have no idea where that tape came from, but when I find out who made it I'm going to make them wish they'd never been born. Emma means everything to me and I refuse to lose her over some stupid tape that I didn't even make."

He stormed out much like I had at his place, my phone almost immediately vibrating in my purse. After he left my anger finally dissolved, letting me dissolve into the puddle of tears that I'd wanted to since I'd found that stupid thing. We were doing so well, why did this have to happen?

*Killian's POV*

I was so bloody angry, I could barely see straight. I went to my office where I'd left the disc, hoping I'd find something to tell me where it'd come from but finding myself watching it. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help it, and it was making me want her so badly it hurt.

I quickly shook my head and skipped to the end. There was a bright flash of what looked like words on a black screen and it went completely dark. I guess that was my clue so I quickly set to work trying to slow it down enough to read.

"Luke!!" I called and he appeared in the doorway in less than a minute. "I need you to call the tech department at the office and get one of them over here. Now."

"Right away, sir," he nodded obediently and quickly went to work on his tablet. "And what do I tell them is the problem?"

"Just say a personal... project," I told him, still frustrated beyond words. "Emma found this... tape, and she thinks I had something to do with it so she won't even speak to me."

"I'll have IT pull the security footage then, too," he nodded again, sitting across the desk from me. "Can I assume it's the kind of tape I think it is?"

"Aye," I sighed, my entire body tense for so many reasons I was practically shaking. "And when I find out who made it, they're going to wish they were dead when I'm done with them."

It's a tad short, but you guys deserve an update even amidst my personal problems. Hope you like it, and I'll try to get you another chapter soon. Later, loves.

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