Chapter 38 -Playing With Fire

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Chapter 38 - Playing With Fire

Last chapter, Ellie ran away after finding out her power was fire and she couldn't't control it.

Ellie's P.O.V.

I cried myself to sleep that night, So afraid, So mad, So different. That's all I was. Scared of what my powers could do, Mad at Colten and Jake, Different from all the other wolves. I just wondered what it would of been like to be normal, But I never wish I was.

I was glad to be who I was, I was different from all the other people in the world, All the copies. Everyone was so much Alike I was glad to be unique, Because unique mean't I was brave enough to be myself.

I was strong enough to get through this world.

Strong enough to be a Guardian.

My bones aced from sleeping on the tree, But none the less I got up and jumped down from the tree, Stretching for the day ahead of me.

My eyes were still a little puffy from last night, But it wasn't like anyone was gonna see it.

I walked in my human form down the forest, Going nowhere in particular, Just enjoying the birds chirping, The Wind blowing, And the tree's swaying. The sound of nature calmed me.

I had came far from where I was in the beginning, I wasn't a hurt girl anymore, I wasn't afraid of people- Nor hunters. I could stand up for myself and I had developed quite a backbone.

I found love, Family, Courage, and Strength.

I was standing in the middle of a clearing, Opening my hands, Fire danced along my fingers. Pushing my hands higher, the fire went higher, Dancing up, And up, Farther And farther. The fire was no longer in my hands but dancing above me, Being controlled by my hands.

I wanted to see how far I could take my fire, How much I could control it.

And so far I was easily controlling it, Pushing my emotions aside.

I threw my hands up above my head and pushed away, Causing the fire to violently push outwards, Creating walls around me. At this point I didn't care if people seen me Playing with fire, Naked. I was completely at peace, And nothing could ruin this.

The fire danced, Reminding me of belly dancers, The way there hips moved to the beat of the music, There arms moving swiftly up and down around there bodys, And there feet gently jumping around. The fire was my escape, The fire was me.

The fire was huge at this point, The walls had grown two story's high, Going above the tree's. The tree's and grass that was burning stayed burning, But didn't burn anything else, They stayed there burning in the fire, Completely in control.

I was completely in control.

The fire stayed there, As a giant dome surrounding me, Keeping me warm, Keeping me safe, Keeping me calm.

My eye's started to become droopy, My arms and legs becoming weak, Me becoming tired.

Extremely tired.

Realizing, Making this much power, Must have some symptoms. And guessing by the extreme exhaust I was suffering through, This was one of them.

With one drop to the ground, Letting my fingers go limp, All fire around me fell, Replacing it with burnt mess around me, But I was still in control, No wildfires.

I was hunched over my knees, Waiting to fall asleep any minute, My eyes closing, My body shutting down, I was suffering from exhaust, And there was no way I wouldn't be asleep in minutes.

I felt myself being lifted from the ground, To exhausted to even open my eyes, I murmured a "Hello?" In a groggy voice.

"Hello Ellizabeth." A deep fimilar voice sounded.

Nobody called me by my real name, Nobody. Unless they didn't know me.

"Who are you?"

"I'm an Attacker."

I woke up with Cuffs around my eyes, My body stiff against the cold concrete, And my wolf pushed aside from the silver.

Not again.

I was in some sort of jail cell, The wall were concrete, The metal bars were silver, The cuffs around me were silver. There was a small bed and toilet to my right and sink to my left.

This is somewhat an upgrade.

I could hear people talking down the hall, But couldn't't make out words nor familiar voices.

Where am I?

If only I could of frighted my way off that guy, If only I could of at least opened my eyes.

My skin burned against the Cuffs, Wanting to get out now, I tried hitting my cuffs against the Concrete, Like last time.

But these were a lot stronger, A lot.

Next I tried to Shift my wolf up, But there was no use. I knew I was stronger than the average wolf, But no wolf was any match for silver.

But what about Guardians?

Pointing my pointer finger at my left cuff, and with a quick prayer to god, I pushed power towards my finger. Squeezing my eyes shut, I felt heat come towards my fingers. Quickly I opened my eye to see a the slightest flame on my finger, Then got to work melting the cuffs off.

Melting the cuffs off was a long process but eventually I got the first off. Working on the second, I could feel my wolf start to rise.

Why couldn't I have figured this out, fourteen years ago?

I could also hear voices getting closer, Coming closer, To me. I needed to hurry up, If I wanted to get out of here.


Was the sound of my right cuff braking me free, Now I knew these were attackers. So I needed to play it safe, They didn't know what color I was so they wouldn't know what powers I have.

Even If they did know what Color I had they still wouldn't know, I just found out a few days ago?!

Quickly I hid my wrist between my legs, And waited for them to enter on the other side of the bars, But When they did.

I saw my worst nightmare.

More exactly, I saw the man of my dreams.

Hey guise.

So do you not get what she means at the end? Well if you don't either you need to figure it out or wait for the next update- Btw there are clues in the first few chapters.

Anyways... Scary shit huh?




La La Love Yew

Buh Bye ;)

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