Chapter 18 -Attack Of The Tickle Monster

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Chapter 18 - Attack Of The Tickle Monster

"Colten, I'm sorry- I'm s-so sorry." I cried out as i sat by the hospital bed were Colten laid pale, sick, and lifeless.

"It's my fault." I couldn't help but let my emotions fly out even though i probably sounded like a bitch thinking of myself when my mate was dying in his death bed.

Then the beeping of Colten's heart rate started going faster and faster just like my dream before... My dream.

How did i get here?
 I thought I was sleeping?
....I'm dreaming, Again.

Even though i knew i was dreaming I still got a little nervous, I was unpredictable and i had no idea what was gonna happen in this dream. I couldn't bare having another dream about Colten. With all the stress i have outside of my dreams this... This was too much.

The beeping of his heart monitor went faster, faster, and faster. The beeping making a permanent mark inside my head. Louder, louder, louder. The faster it went, The faster my heart went. My hands started to get clammy, my head aced, and i was incredibly hot, The things that happen when i'm scarred.

beep, beep, beep ,b- beep- be- be- be- beeeeepp-

then the monitor went dead flat, Colten just died.

"Is there a doctor in here?" i yelled out the door fragility. "Help!" I ran back towards Colten and started doing C.P.R. on Colten, checking to see if his heart beat would sound every so often.

"Actually yes, There is a doctor in here." A way to cocky and familar voice said from behind me. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around only to see marty smirking at me. "I'm sorry Alpha, but I'm afraid he's DEAD." He said taunting me.

i swiftly turned back to colten, His eyes started to slowly flicker open. I ran to his side and grabbed his hand as he quickly pulled away. His usually green eyes were replaced with white, and only white. He started to gag as i slowly took cautious steps back, As he gagged nothing would come out, then i seen a familiar red finger nail make there way out of his throat, followed by another, and another, fianlly time came and the witch from before came out smirking at me as colten laid under her, Lifeless.

"Thought you got away, Didn't you?" She said in a bitchy voice. "Nobody get's away from me that easy." And with that she pounced at me and slammed me onto the ground holding me by the neck as I slowly lost air, Getting harder and harder to breathe.

"She's not even worth it." a pack member said from my right as they slowly appeard out of thin air."She's a sorry excuse for an Alpha." Another said.
"She's a sorry excuse for a Wolf."

The last one hit me hard, I remembered how Marty always taunted me about that, i thought i fanially escaped that when i met Colten, but it's all just coming back to haunt me.


I woke up, panting heavily as i tried to get air back into my lungs, well hot tears fell down my face. I was extremely warm, my hands were clammy, and my head aced. I was terrified.

'Of a dream?' My wolf asked.

'It wasn't just a dream.'


I climbed out of bed, slipped on my slippers and headed down stairs. I couldn't sleep after that, I wouldn't. Once i got down stairs i quickly made my way towards the kitchen and poured myself a glass of milk to calm my nerves.

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