Chapter 26 -Avoiding

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Guys, I'm really sad that I only got 8 votes on my last chapter, I spent a long time on that one. Maybe you guys thought that was the end of the book?

No there's still alot to happen... Okay so please vote :)

Chapter 26 -Avoiding

Colten's P.O.V.

Once Ellie and I got back she couldn't stop complaining about how much she missed this place, The beds, the food, And especially the Toilets.

"I Really needed that." Ellie said after she exited the washroom, Causing me to chuckle. "What are you making?" She said looking at me, Where I stood at the kitchen counter cutting tomato's.

"I'm making you some food."

"Thank you, I'm Just gonna go take a quick shower, Okay?"

"Okay." I said before she exited up the stairs.

Ellie has been getting alot stronger and more confident. When she attacked Keith like that you wouldn't believe how much pride sprouted of her being my mate.

Not that I wasn't proud before, I'm just even more now.

Another thing happened when I got back, My wolf won't stop pushing me to mark Ellie. He dosen't want Ellie to get in more trouble and if she's marked She will be safer.

don't get me wrong, I want to mark Ellie. I just don't want to push her.

I have to Keep a respectable distance between Ellie and I, Just so my wolf won't come out and take control.

My wolf Is a pushy guy.

That's not the only problem, My pack. I still have to have a chat with them....

'Pack meeting!' I called in mind-link.

Quickly I finished Ellie's Sandwich and Wrote A quick note saying I'll be out for a bit and she must eat this.

Pack member's were already piling into the Dining room, Most already knew exactly what this was about.

They should know better, she's there Luna. Just because I was Momentarily occupied, dosen't mean They can Do that.

"Colten?" I turned around to see Jake, He was dressed in Black sweat pants, A white t-shirt and he was sweating. He just got back from training.


"Aren't you supposed to be looking for Ellie?" He asked, suspicion laced in his voice... Right I forgot to tell him I found her... Oops?

"Nope, She's here, Upstairs actually." I said scratching the back of my head. "I called a pack meeting to say so. Plus I didn't forget about what they did."

"You didn't tell me? I'm her brother I deserve to be told before the pac-"

"I forogt, I have a Pack meeting to go to." I said turning around.

"Ellie already put them in there place well you were gone."

Pride for her just went up...

I entered the room and everyone went dead silent, Having power has it's affects.

I stepped up to the front of the room, Every ones faces were filled with fear, and Suspension of what I had to say.

"Attention." I spoke with clear power. "I have found my Mate Ellie, She was kidnapped but she manged to get herself out of it, Ellie has been going through a rough patch in her life and I am disappointed to have you as a pack." Disappointment was laced in my voice. "A pack does NOT, I repeat does not, disrespect there Luna. Ellie is a strong Luna and wolf, She may be different but it dosen't effect any of you."

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