Chapter 13 -Bad*ss Ellie

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Chapter 13 - Bada** Ellie

The pain shot through my body like 100 knifes travelling at a speed of 100km, hitting my body repeatedly , i knew it wasn't my pain the minute i hit the ground. it was my mates, colten reed's pain.

I knew he was in trouble and i needed to get there, fast. i pushed the pain to the back of my mind and kept it on colten.

Colten needs you.

Colten is hurt.

Colten could

My wolf pushed me to keep going, grabbing on each tree as i held onto my gut and slowly walked towards the clearing, there were hundreds of hunters and wolves fighting, some dead and some suffering on the ground dead, there were screams from women and children. barking and howling from the wolves calling out to there mates, hunters shooting silver bullets everywhere, it looked like the hole world was going to end.

And for me it was..

Colten was one, to four. they attacked his lower side and was bleeding as he fought, he had scratches all along his arms and forehead, and i could tell from how far away i was, colten was shot with a sliver bullet.

If he didn't get the silver bullet out in 4 hours he would already be dead, even if he did get it out it would be a 50-50 chance he would live.

My wolf instantly took over, not bearing the threat to her mate. i started running as fast as i could to colten, going as swiftly and trying to go unnoticed, because i knew all this was because of me, the hunters wanted me back. bad.

A hunter sent me out of my thoughts as he pushed me to the ground, he didn't have a gun, but a sliver knife i tried my best to hold back his hands as he pushed the knife to my heart, slowly he got closer and closer, as he was on top of me.

I couldn't shift becasue of the unnessisairy weight on me, i couldn't scream, as that would only casue more attention onto me, so i all did was push the knife as hard as i could but slowly failed.

the hunter was threw off of me as a big black wolf attacked him instantly killing him as he bit down on his neck and turned back to me on the ground gave me a small glance, with his piercing ice blue eyes and went onto his next target.

i knew right when i seen his ice blue eyes that it was jake.

quickly i scrambled back up and made my way back to colten, he had got them off of him, but was now cornered by all of them, as one of them slowly lifted a gun.

running as fast as i could i jumped in mid-air shifting into my black radioactive wolf, not caring about anything but colten, i jumped onto the back of the hunter with a gun and took him down by surprise as every wolf in the field looked at my wolf with pure confusion.

the hunter struggled to get me off his back, but once he did i was pushed into coltens side.

"how the hell did she get so strong?" the hunters said as he got up from the ground as the 3 others replied with shrug.

"dosen't matter, but we need her dead." the one on the other side of colten side.

why do they need me dead?

colten gave me a quick nudge as he jumped at a hunter, and the three others went at him but was stopped when i jumped at the closest one to colten, pushing him to the ground. i felt two hands go around my waist and try to crack my ribs, i quickly shifted making him let go of me, then shifted back to wolf once i was out of his grasp.

"what the hell." he muttered.

i quickly jumped back at him, again pushing him to the ground and let out a huge growl i've been holding in, which caused him to filch. ha it's good to know i have an affect even on hunters.

i could feel a million different eyes on the back of my head, but i didn't care, all i cared was about my mate and packs safety.. and they were anything but safe.

slamming my jaws into the hunters neck and ripping him apart i moved onto my next target which was one that was about to slam a silver knife into coltens back, well colten was struggling with a hunter in his jaws. i swiftly knocked the hunter off his feet from running under him, turning back at him his knife was about five feet away as he scrammed to get it. i stopped him right when he was about to grab by putting my paw in-between him and the knife. he flinched as he slowly looked up to meet my eyes.

i could tell what used to be a confident cocky hunter was now a cowradly scared boy, he looked terrified at the sight of me, i remembered this hunter, he was one of the hunters that violated me when i was about 13.

letting out a warning growl i pounced onto him and bit into his lower ribs, as he screamed out in pain, digging my teeth deeper and deeper until i felt his body go limp and his screams stopped.

looking up i met the eyes of colten about 5 feet away from me, he looked exhausted, he had lost alot of blood and i could still feel a slight bit of pain.

colten let out a bark breaking me out of my trance, as he pounced at his next target, on his back i knew he wanted my assistance at his killing, i guess wanting to keep me close. did he not think i was strong enough? did he not see what i just did right there?

i quickly walked over to where the hunter and colten were fighting, and was pushed down by another hunter, i quickly rolled so i was now on top of him, and tryed to bite him, but he kept dodging them, i noticed him trying to reach for his gun on his belt so i quickly grabbed it and tossed it in the air about 100 feet away. turning back to him he looked flabbergasted and terrified. heck now he was useless.

i bit onto his shoulder slowly ripping him to shred's as a voice behind me spoke very confidently.

"looks like i found what i was looking for."








so i took a little bit more time editiing this, so hopefully it sounds good

ellie's a little bad*ss isn't she?

colten has had that bullet in for a while at least an hour!

do you think colten will die?

and marty is back!

jake saved his baby sister, awe!

picture of jake's wolf on side ---->





la la love yewww

buh bye

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