Chapter 8 -Period

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Chapter 8 - Period

I woke up in the morning with Jake gone, and the bathroom door closed, assuming he's in the bathroom, I fell into my pillow and groaned, because I didn't want to face Colten alone.

I was shot out of my thoughts when Jake came out of the bathroom with the steam streaming out, His hair was wet and he only had a towel on his waist.

"Ahh! my eyes!" I screamed as I shoved my face in a pillow.

"Ah! erm- i'll be right back." He said and I'm assuming he ran into his closet to change. "Ellie. ell it's okay now." He said lightly outing his hand on my shoulder after a few minutes.

I looked over my shoulder slowly to see him fully dressed with a slight smile.

"Wanna go get breakfast?" I nodded my head well I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen.


I walked into the kitchen only to see Colten sitting at the counter with a bowl of fruit loops, my favorite food....

"Um- do you... Think I could have some?" I said quietly to Colten keeping my head down. Colten quickly jumped, Not realizing I was talking to him it took him a minute to process.

"Yeah. of course!" He said grabbing another bowl and some milk. " How much milk do you want?" He asked as he poured some.

"Stop." I said when there was only a tiny bit.

"That's it?!" He asked clearly amused.

"Actually yes."

"Ok..." He handed me my bowl and I went happily eating it. after a few minutes of silence he spoke up again. "Do you want to go for a run today?"

"No" I spoke flatly. realizing how rude that was I spoke up again. " I mean- how about a movie instead?" i spoke cautiously.

"Well i was hoping for a run- But if you don't want to... I understand."

"No- no- I'd love to but.." Shit what am i supposed to say to get out of this? I can't on sundays? It's movie night? Well none of that came to mind except for " I'm on my period,"

"Oh-" Colten looked surprised and uncomfortable about this situation, Why couldn't i have said it's movie night. i swear this will be the death of me. "I guess movies will be okay."


The rest of the day went by slowly, I bonded with Jake, made cookies, And explained to Beth about my very awkward situation with Colten, Well she laughed at me.

At the moment I was taking out my third batch of cookies, Its the best way to past time by. I made mint, chocolate, and raisin ... Got to keep it healthy.

"Mmm.. what smells so good?" Jake says walking into the kitchen.


"Wha?!" He looks flabbergasted that I made cookies, I mean doesn't anyone make him cookies?

"Doesn't anyone make you cookies around here?"  And he just replied by shaking his head no. I handed him cookies on a plate in reply as he ate them.

"Those were sooo good" He moaned.

"What was?" Colton asked as he came in wearing light blue jeans and a tight black shirt that showed his toned abs perfectly.

"Ellie's cooking."

"Really?" He asked giving me a slight smirk.

"Really." I conformed.

----------------later that night.-------------

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Colten asked me coming into Jakes room where I was right now keeping all my stuff. " We have lion king, Friday the 13, or.... The notebook." He didn't look to excited about the notebook, I'm assuming he's not the type that loves watching chick flicks, Well luckey for him neither am I.

"Lion king definitely." i said as Colten sighed in relief

"Okay, Well I'll be down stairs waiting." As he walked out he gave me a wink which resulted in my cheeks burning up.

It was only a movie so I had my hair in a messy bun, I had a baggy V-neck on and sweats. After all if this is gonna be my new home I can dress any way I want, Which is comfortable

"Ready?" I asked colten as found him in the kitchen at the microwave.

"Yeah, just let me get the popcorn."

"Ok, i'll be on the couch."


The living room was dimly lit and there was some pop and candy on the coffee table, The couches had an arrange of different blankets on them and the surround sound was turned on.

"I have to say, i'm glad you picked the lion king." Colten said braking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, well i'm not one for romance."  I said as Colten sat down beside me and grabbed a remote to turn on the t.v.

Half way through the movie colten already did "the move" and put his arm around me.


"Hmm?" I asked almost asleep.

"I know we have't known each other that long but I want to get to know you, Okay?" He stuttered. "I'm not like everyone say's I am, Scary, Mean, Or heartless I want to be the mate you desevre."

"I'd like that."

"Whenever you're ready, I'll be waiting."

Even though it was just the lion king it was still very romantic, I would go to grab some popcorn at the same time as him, and he would always let me go first, when i was cold he cuddled me up to him, and when the lions were falling in love he kept looking at me.

My eyes were starting to get heavy and I was finding it harder and harder to keep my eyes open....







hey guys!

sorry for me being sooooo late its just volleyball and school.....

I know exuses exuses....

well I have a funny/gross story for you guys....

so I was at a volleyball game and it was my turn to serve, there were boys on the stage where I had to serve so I told them to move there legs.... after that I served and we were all in ready postions.. which means we have our butts to them.. our boys team coach was sitting behind the boys on the stage and she caught them taking pictures of our butts!

she made them delete the photos and my coach is phoning the princable today about that.  

anyways that was my little story that happened yesterday.... kind of gross

anyways sorry i'm going so slow in the book and nothing is really happening, it's just i want to bulid ellie and coltens realationship first...






la la love yewwww


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