Chapter 16 -Lifeless

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Chapter 16 - Lifeless

I slowly turned the door nob to Colten’s room, careful not to make a sound. The room was an off white color, windows on the left side of the room that lit up the whole room, the right side had a small couch with flowers on the table, and beside me was a counter with all kinds of tools, the middle of the room was were the bed sat, with a lifeless looking Colten.

Colten was pale, with purple all around his eyes, and blood all over his 'gown'. He laid there like a dead person, for a minute I thought he was dead before he let out an unconscious cough.

I ran over to him and slowly grabbed his hand, now that i was closer I could see so much more cuts and bruises, that were slowly healing, His usually glowing skin was now pale and lifeless, his warm body was now hard and cold, and his green welcoming eyes are now sealed shut.

I let out a small cry, then more and more, i couldn't hold in the water works, then the heart monitor beside Colten’s bed started beeping faster and faster, and with that a doctor and nurse came running in.

"What’s going on?" Jake asked in the door way.

"Colten’s wolf isn't supposed to come out yet, but due to ellie's crying he's pushing his way out." the doctor said as he fiddled with the monitor.

"Alpha ellie, for your own good I’m going to have to send you home." The nurse said politely.


"Ellie, Colten could die if his wolf comes out to early." Jake said as he tried to pull my arm.

"But, I can't" I started to silently cry. "Okay just let me say goodbye." I walked over to his bed and grabbed his hand and twirled my fingers with his, and then I leaned over to his head and whispered. “Take all the time you need, just come back to me, I love you." And with that I kissed his forehead.

Jake grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room, once we stepped foot out of Colten’s room, and the door shut I let all my emotions come out, and fell into jakes arms, crying my eyes out.

"Shh. shh it's alright." Jake soothed into my ears.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- back at the pack house.

once I got out of the car, I walked towards the pack house but before I even opened the door i heard a lot of pack members talking... about me.

"What’s wrong with her?"

"She can't be an alpha."

"She’s not cut out."

"What if it's contagious?"

The last one set me off, I was mad. All my life I’ve been abused in a cell and i came here and only to be called names.

i slammed the door open and all heads snapped towards me, and all there talking went dead silent. They didn't even have the guts to say it to my face.

"IF YOUR GONNA SAY ANYTHING, SAY IT TO MY FACE" I yelled and with that I went towards Colten’s office.

Sitting down in Colten’s chair I remembered the first time Colten took me in here, not romantic or anything but it's when I finally found my home.

I looked through some paperwork seeing if there was anything I could do and found some different things the pack need's fixing up with, some guy named Allen died a few days ago and i had to announce that since Colten wasn't here, pack training is starting again, and the announcement of alphas mate...

Well the last one I’m going to need Colten’s help with.

I did different paper work for about 4 hours then I finally was so tired out I headed upstairs, I usually sleep in the guest room, but I needed to calm my wolf so I walked into Colten’s room after putting on some pj's and climbed into Colten’s bed.

And that night i cried myself to sleep...


I was dressed in all black clothes, a black dress hat and shoes.

I was in a church that had white walls, stained glasses, and a lot of pack members behind me, they were all busy chatting away, looked at my hands to see I was holding a white piece of paper on it said.

In loving memory of Colten reed

*picture here*

Son, Mate, Alpha, Cousin, Nephew.

Quickly I got up and ran towards the coffin, and looked in it; Colten laid the lifeless, cold, and pale. His hair was slick back, he wore a suit, and his face was freshly shaven. I let out a ear piercing scream and all the pack members looked towards me.

"What’s the freaks problem."

"She’s a monster."

"Colten probably got her disease."

 "She killed him."

Quickly I looked back towards Colten, he wasn't in a clean suit anymore, now he was dressed in a hospital gown covered in blood, then I heard the beeping of his heart monitor again.

*Beep beep beep beep beep beep*

Faster and faster it got.

Then Colten roughly grabbed my wrist, and his eyes snapped open to his green eyes.

"You did this to me!" he screamed.


I woke up sweating and tears running down my face, my wolf were on edge. The dream felt so real I thought it was actually happening.

Colten is not dead. I kept saying to myself to calm myself down but it only seemed to worry my wolf more.

Finally I climbed out of Colten’s bed, grabbing the bed post to support myself, I slipped on some slippers and slowly walked down stairs and out the back door. It was probably 3.a.m. so nobody was awake, I slipped off my pj's and shifted into my radioactive wolf, the sound of my bones cracking actually soothed me, and the light wind was nice on my back.

I ran into the forest for miles, and miles not stopping once, I let my wolf take full control, then i came up to the small clearing were the fight happened yesterday, there were still bodies everywhere, but they had bloody white sheets on them, I remembered where Marty is, and I told nobody to touch him, because I wanted to finish him myself, I walked towards the sheet and pulled it off with my teeth, only to see some random guy instead of Marty, I quickly looked under some other different sheets and he was nowhere to be seen, then I came across a big tree, as I passed it I noticed some weird blood on it, walking backwards I slowly crept towards it and noticed some writing in blood.

"i'll be back."

Marty isn't dead.


Hey guise!

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