Take Cover!

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I wake up to hear banging on the door. Reluctantly, I get up and open the door.

"Hey!" Matt says while walking into the room.

"Ermm, hi?" I say while rubbing my eyes.

"Oh. Lauren and all of us are going to get breakfast. Wanna come?" he asks while sitting on the bed next to me.

"Yeah sure. Give me fifteen minutes," I tell him while shoving him out the door.

I walk to the bathroom and look into the mirror. I look like crap so I quickly take a shower. After I'm dressed, I add a small amount of make up and with that, I walk out the door.

I knock on Nash's door and wait for someone to answer. Nash's room is basically the hang out room so we just always knock on his door.

"Hey!" Cameron says while opening up the door.

"Hey-" I was saying but got cut off by Matt shoving me out of the doorway.

"What the crap?" I ask while rubbing my knee.

"Guys- there's a tornado coming towards this hotel!" Matt screams while grabbing my arm.

"What!?" Lauren screams.

"Hurry- it's not safe to be up on this floor-" he says but gets cut off by an alarm.


"We don't have enough time!" Jack G yells. "By the time we get down there, the tornado will already be here!"

"Um.... Everyone get under the beds!" Carter commands as we all get under the beds.

"I-I don't w-wanna die!" I start to cry.

Matt gives me a hug and whispers in my ear,"Shh... it'll be okay, no one is going to die."

I try to believe him but it's hard. Then I hear this terrible crushing sound and I see the window broke.

Everything seemed to calm down a bit. But then the bed started shaking and moving. It landed on my right arm.

"OW!" I practically scream. I tug my arm and try to release it from under the leg of the bed, but the more I moved the more it hurts.

Matt and Shawn crawl over and try to lift the bed up so I could move my arm. After a few times, they still had accomplished nothing.

"Cameron!" Shawn yells loudly as the wind starts to pick up. Cameron runs over and helps lift up the bed.

"GUYS!" Taylor screams. "Get in the closet! There's no glass, and things can't fly around in there as well!"

I jump to my feet and sprint over to the closet. We try to fit everyone in it, but fitting eleven people in a closet is right next to impossible.

Lauren and I are the only people that can fit in the closet.

"Okay umm... everyone who's not in the closet run to the bathroom!" Matt commands and I hear running and then a door slam shut.

The storm dies down. Well I think... I'm in a closet so I can't really tell.

"So, what's up with you and Shawn?" Lauren asks me.

I blush and respond. "Nothing!"

"Well, I can tell you like him." I start thinking about what she said. I mean, ya Shawn is pretty cool and I'm a huge fan. But do I like him?

"Well what about you and Taylor?" I ask.

Lauren shrugs. "I don't really know. He's pretty cool but I don't think iv known him long enough. Oh and when do we get to leave this closet?"

The Call That Changed My Life (A Shawn Mendes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now