It acted and looked like a shadow, wisps of deep-blue fluttering through the air, showing glimpses of the core of hellish blue light. The whispers came from this entity, growing more clearly to see before I heard Ashkii groan as he stepped back.

"I don't like those things, the first one I saw attacked me." He paused for a moment, observing the entity closely before moving towards us. "This one seems friendly though...Is this your doing?" He asked, turning his head curiously towards Thorn.

A tendril of the blue light curled down towards Noah's face, gently petting his cheek before we heard a low murmur coming from the entity. My brows shot up, as I realized that I had understood what the entity had said, and that it had spoken in a very, very old language.

"Safe....peace...."the tendril of blue smoke disappeared as Thorn frowned down at the child in his arms before I smirked. "Okay...." I said slowly, stressing the fact that I felt slightly impressed, "I think its best to find out what your abilities are. All of them." I added, glancing behind Ashkii as the other, black entity appeared and rushed past him before spinning around the blue, which caused a flutter in the lights before they both vanished.

Thorn's eyes flashed towards me when I took another step forwards, while he instantly backed up, glaring at me as he did so. I chuckled lowly in my throat, shaking my head slightly as I felt him tread carefully around me, even after me saving him on earth.

Yes, truly like a feline... or a little kitten...

Thorn's eyes narrowed while Ashkii chuckled behind me before I focused again on the bristling young man in front of me. "Excuse me? Did you just refer to me as a kitten?" he demanded while Lyra skipped closer to him, followed by a quieter Blake, who was watching everyone closely.

" spoke your mind out loud." Ashkii snickered behind me while Thorn looked like a mad spitting kitten, ready to claw at me. The image it conjured up made me chuckle slightly, yet again.

"I did, but I didn't mean anything bad with it. Now, please, answer my brother's question...those entities, is this a recent event or..." I trailed off when Thorn shook his head slightly, making the two kids look up at him while little Noah slept soundly on his arm.

"No, they just weren't visible for the others. I used them to guide me to safety and they spotted danger before I did." I nodded once, thinking for a moment before I hummed, rubbing my thumb and index finger against my chin before glancing at the point where the entities had disappeared.

Ashkii twitched before looking behind him. "Oh boy, Mom's coming home. You best prepare them; she hasn't seen a human in years, let alone small kids." He smiled warmly at Lyra and Blake, and I knew he was exited, since mom's mother hen instincts would be aimed at Lyra and Blake, and not at Ashkii....well, not all the time.

I don't think mom was going to let him out of her sights so swiftly.

---Thorn's POV---

My eyes were still narrowed at a chuckling Bidziil, who was leaning against the wall as he overlooked the room. His eyes were gleaming brilliantly in the faded light, which made me realize soon where exactly I was. Or rather, where I wasn't.

Earth doesn't have electricity anymore...not unless you have claws or fangs.

Looking away from the man a few steps behind me, I took the time to look at the room I was in whilst pulling Noah soothingly closer to my body. My instincts and nerves were on edge, wary of any movement in or around the room as I let my eyes take in every bit of information.

It looked like we were in a rather large room filled with comfortable looking seats and couches on one side and a really expensive looking TV mounted against the wall, flanked by two enormous bookcases on the other side of the wall. When I took a step away from Bidziil and felt only warmth under my feet, I looked down and smiled as I noticed the warmed tiled floor underneath my still bare feet.

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