Emma took off the lilac silk robe she'd worn each morning ever since it was given to her in Switzerland, and there were audible gasps in the room. Emma revealed a custom made orchid silk bustier/garter belt combination, with all orchid ribbon garters but one. One garter was teal blue, her something blue. She picked up the silk stockings she had ordered in the perfect length for her more petite frame, and giggled at the reaction she was receiving.

'This was something the ladies in wardrobe and I cooked up together. The way materials have improved, it's more comfortable than it looks. The ladies mentioned that Prince has a true enjoyment of women's lingerie-I decided not to ask how they knew-so we decided to try and knock his socks off.'

The laughter only got louder at that point. 'Honey, if he has any socks on, they won't last!' chuckled Kim.

The silk stockings, the amethyst and diamond earrings Prince purchased for Emma in Switzerland, Portuguese lace veil, and deep purple slingback pumps, with a swiss franc in one for luck, finished things off. Just as Randee was saying, 'Emma, don't you have your pearls with you?' everyone heard a knock at the door.

Emma called, 'Come in! Unless you're Prince!'

Kirk poked his head in the door, and said, 'My goodness, Emma, you are a vision. Emma, as Prince's unofficial best man, I've been asked to deliver something to you. Could you turn around, please?'

Emma turned her back to Kirk, and he placed a beautiful long necklace, with scattered tiny amythests and pearls, around Emma's neck. An oval amethyst hung from the center of the piece, surrounded by diamonds. A large baroque pearl hung from that, partially encased by more diamonds and amythests. Emma looked in the mirror and gasped.

'Kirk, did he see this dress before today? How did he know about the orchid underdress?'

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'Kirk, did he see this dress before today? How did he know about the orchid underdress?'

'No, Emma, he didn't see it, but the ladies in wardrobe did give him a swatch of the underdress fabric when he told them he was working on a match. Don't be too mad at him, or them. He also wanted you to have this note.' Kirk gave her hand a squeeze and left the room.

Emma opened the note and read,

'Dear wife-to-be,

There is an old saying that there will be a tear for every pearl you wear on your wedding day. Knowing how beauty brings you to tears, I think we'll have these used up by the New Year, so no worries. Wear these with pride. I can't wait to see you and finally make you mine before our friends, family, and God.

All my love,

Your husband-to-be

P.S.-Thanks for choosing orchid.

The service went off without a hitch. Emma, beaming at Prince, walked herself down the aisle, joining her handsome fiancee dressed in deep purple, in a style similar to what he wore in Switzerland. Dillon officiated, vows were said. Rings were exchanged. Both Emma and Prince had wedding bands with diamonds, though Prince's didn't look traditional at all, in keeping with his style in everything. Emma's was a very traditional band covered in diamonds. Dillon then announced that Prince and Emma had their own vows written. Prince went first.

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