Chapter 31

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Manager Hwang stepped into the room just as he finished recording. After getting the all-clear from the song-writer, he hung his headphones on the mic stand and walked out.

"Hyung, is there something wrong?"

His manager shook his head, giving him a comforting smile. "Nothing's wrong, Junmyeon-ah," he said. "But I have noticed that you've been working incredibly hard this past month," he pointed out.

"Well, since I now have a girlfriend, I not only need to work harder so that I can make up for the time I spend with her, but also so that I can have even more time to spend with her."

Manager Hwang chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Eunji's got herself a really good one," he said.

"So, why are you here?" Junmyeon asked.

"I just wanted to pass on the message that next month your tour begins."

"Tour?" This was the first time Junmyeon was hearing about this.

Manager Hwang nodded. "President Lee is going to call a meeting tomorrow and have a talk about the schedule and other preparations," he explained. "He wanted me to pass this onto you first so that you can get everyone in the office on time."

"Tomorrow?" Junmyeon narrowed his eyes. He had worked especially hard to get that day off, especially since it was Valentine's Day, and now he had to go work?

Manager Hwang raised an eyebrow. "Yes, tomorrow," he repeated. "You sound disappointed. Did you have something you needed to do?"

"Yes," Junmyeon quickly said, but then caught himself and began backtracking. "No, sorry, I mean, it's fine. EXO comes first," he sounded down as he repeated his personal mantra.

Manager Hwang chuckled lightly. "It's not going to be a long meeting," he said. "The CEO himself doesn't have too much time, all he can spare is a couple of hours in the morning. He's left the rest to me and the organizers to tell you when you start preparing." 

Despite the fact that he tried his best to keep a straight face, the twinkle in his eyes made the older man laugh. "So, you're saying...?"

"You can still go on that date with Eunji that you seemed to have worked hard for," Manager Hwang said, laughing loudly.

Realizing that he'd been caught, Junmyeon let himself smile as anticipation filled in his chest. "What time should all of us be there?"

"Ten o'clock," Manager Hwang reminded as he walked out of the door. "Don't be late."


It was all he had to not dash out the second they were dismissed by the CEO, but he managed to hold himself together and lead the guys back to the dorm and send them off on their plans before running inside to throw on a decent looking dress and pants, grabbing his coat and dashing out of the dorm.

Mainly because he was going to be late.

He managed to hail a cab and drive to their meeting location, getting out in a rush to see whether he had made her wait.

However, he found that he was not only on time, but also early.

So as he leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath, he took a moment to look around the block.

Mid-February, the snow had all melted, but there was still a definitive chill in the air, and pockets of snow still lined the pathways. The air smelt fresh, as if the world was waking up from a deep slumber.

It was definite. Spring was on its way.

Too bad he wouldn't be here to see it. 

It was then that he saw Eunji walking up towards him, waving in greeting. Throwing a quick glance at his watch, he saw that she was exactly on time. He grinned as he waved back to her, beckoning her over.

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