Chapter 23

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With the holiday season upon them, each of the idols had a separate way of celebrating. Most of it involved going back to their families, but some also chose to spend the time with friends and significant others.

Junmyeon chose to spend it with family, like many others. Currently, he sat in the studio while the others were fooling around, making a detailed list of presents he would buy for each of his members, friends and family. While he concentrated on thinking up a good present for Chanyeol, his manager came into the room.

"Junmyeon, can you come with me for a moment?" he asked.

Junmyeon nodded, closing his notepad and going out of the practice room with his manager. "So, what do you need?" he asked.

"Is your schedule free tomorrow?" Manager Hwang asked.

Junmyeon thought for a moment before nodding. "I have a recording in the morning and afternoon, but I'll be free in the evening. Why?"

"KBS network is doing a Christmas special," Manager Hwang said. "A couple Christmas special."

"Couple?" Junmyeon asked.

Manager Hwang nodded. "They wanted to air a small one hour special on Christmas that followed a few idol couples and how they would spend the day together. They want to film for a few hours tomorrow. Is that alright?"

"And they need me and Eunji, don't they?" Junmyeon asked. 

Manager Hwang hummed. "I contacted Eunji's manager. She says Eunji is in."

"Then I guess I'm in too," Junmyeon tiredly said.

"I don't think this'll be such a big deal," Manager Hwang said. "Take her shopping and then for a cup of coffee. Hey, you could use this as an excuse to get some of your Christmas shopping done."


After a few calls here and there, they decided to have the date at the Gangnam district, where they'd browse the shops and buy a few things, try out some street foods and then have a bite to eat at a cafe. 

He arrived a little before the appointed time to meet the producer, who got him fitted out with a mic. The hair and makeup artists then took him aside to do some quick work on him (parting his hair and applying some light foundation to his skin, and a moisturizer to his lips so they don't crack) and then the stylist got him dressed up in stylish winter clothing. 

According to the producer, they wanted to capture a spontaneous date, so he'd be meeting Eunji at the location. From what he could tell, she was getting her hair and makeup done at another location.

He was dropped off in front of an accessories store in Gangnam with a VJ, who'd be tailing him for the next few hours. While there, the VJ told him that he wanted to get a few shots of him waiting.

He paced around a little, kicking a small rock that was lying in the snow. He then leaned against a wall, sighing deeply, boredom starting to set in. 

That was when Eunji showed up.

And she looked stunning.

Well, at least to him.

As she would look out of place if she applied too much makeup, she had on nothing more than a bit of eyeliner and some lip gloss. She was also safely tucked into comfortable yet stylish winter clothing, similar to his. Her long brown hair was tied in a low ponytail, and she wore her usual wide smile. 

He almost forgot that she had a VJ accompanying her too.

He took her into the store to look at some stuff first. Her sights immediately set on the row of customized couple items, and she gave him a look, making her eyes big as much as possible and putting her lower lip out in a tiny pout. 

"Which one do you want?" he asked, smiling. Anyway, he had made up his mind to buy her anything she wanted that day. 

She browsed through the items. "I'm not sure what to get," she admitted.

"Maybe a pair of necklaces?" he suggested.

"Bracelets," she said, picking up a pair of simple bracelets made of word blocks. "We can get our names on these."

He nodded, watching as she called the store attendant over to get their names on the bracelets. He looked over as the attendant began sliding blocks onto the thread, preparing it. She then looked up, asking for his name.


"Junmyeon," Eunji interrupted him. 

He shot her a look as she dictated the letters of his first name to the attendant, who then made the relevant letters via a machine and then slid the blocks onto the thread, finally tying it up and placing it aside as she picked up the second. 

"Eunji," he said this time, unable to keep the smile from his face.

When the bracelets were done, he quickly paid for them. But before he could take the bracelet with her name and put it on her wrist, she handed him the one with her name on it. 

"You don't have to wear it all the time," she told him. "Just keep it, as a reminder."

"Cliché much?" he asked, smiling.

"I wanted to be a bit cliché, can you blame me?" she retaliated.

He chuckled lightly, putting the bracelet in his pocket. "Shall we go see what's next in store?" he asked, mimicking a proper accent.

She nodded, snuggling up to his side. "Let's."

He put his arm around her shoulders and guided her around. Their next stop ended up being a small hat shop. In the shop, he came across a cute furry hat with grey wolf ears on it. He picked it up and turned to Eunji. 

"This'll look good on you," he said, putting it on her. 

"Are you saying that just because it has wolf ears?" she asked.

"Yes," he said, leaning back a moment to appreciate his handiwork. "Cute," he said, beholding Eunji in a wolf themed hat. 

She walked to the mirror beside him, looking at herself in it. "It does look cute," she said, making a voice of approval. "I think I'll take this."

"See?" he asked. "I have good taste."

She laughed as she picked out another hat. "I pick this one for you."

"You do, huh?" 

As they bantered on and on, and as Eunji turned to look at herself with the hat on again, he found himself having something pull at his heart. 

He desperately wished this weren't just something for a show.


A/N: Short chapter, but I needed to get this out.

And first chapter of the year! Yay!

Happy New Year guys! (once more)

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