Chapter 8

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He woke up before his alarm, for once.

Looking over at his phone, he quickly silenced the alarm, silently getting out of bed so as to not wake Sehun up. He came out of his room, marveling at how quiet the dorm was. 

Maybe it was because none of them had a schedule for the morning.

He smiled to himself. Well, he did have a kind of a schedule. He was to have breakfast with Eunji.

So he didn't mind waking up a bit earlier. Since they exchanged phone numbers, the two had been messaging each other at least once a day, and had come up with quite a few games to take a load off. One game that they played was one he enjoyed, because it helped them get to know each other better in a shorter span of time; twenty questions.

He hadn't been able to see her in a while; scheduling conflicts, of course, and he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't looking forward to meeting her again.

Because he was sure they'd be cameras around, he made sure he looked nicer than normal.

He was just running a brush through his hair when Chanyeol came out, yawning and rubbing the back of his neck. "Hyung, you're up?" he wearily asked.

Junmyeon looked back at the younger. "Oh, Chanyeol-ah, you're up," he said. "Something wrong? You're not usually up this early when we don't have a schedule."

Chanyeol shrugged, smiling slightly. "Guess I got used to waking up early," he said. He then noticed that his senior looked way nicer than usual. "Going somewhere?"

Junmyeon nodded. "I'm having breakfast with Jung Eunji."

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow. "Alright..." he dragged out the word. "Well, enjoy."

He then walked over to the fridge and got out a bottle of water, going over to the couch and laying himself down on it. Junmyeon watched him, unsure of what to make of his behavior. He eventually decided to just put it down to sleepiness.

Checking himself one last time, he looked at the time to see that he had to leave immediately if he had to be there on time. He left Chanyeol with a set of instructions on what to do if the others woke up (don't trash the place, don't get into trouble, don't wander off and don't sleep off) and waved bye to him. 

Getting down to the street, he called a cab and pulled out his phone when asked for the location. Eunji had decided to pick the meeting place this time; apparently she knew this really great place near her dorm that she often ate with the girls at.

The corner of his mouth pulled into a smile as he read over her text about where they would meet. Eunji's texting style was very perky, filled with emoticons and a high usage of Caps.

It was cute.


He arrived ten minutes late.

It wasn't really his fault, he just got caught in an unexpected traffic jam on the main road. He really wasn't one to be late for anything; tardiness was a quality he greatly despised.

Which meant that the second he was late for something, he began to beat himself up for not foreseeing the chain of events that lead to him being late in the first place.

At the moment, he worried that his date was left waiting out in the cold (it wasn't winter yet, still autumn and the climate was still a pleasant cool, but this didn't occur to him at the moment.) His mind filled with horrible scenarios, he quickly paid the cab driver and rushed out of the car, instinctively looking out for the face he'd gotten so used to seeing. 

He saw her leaning against a pillar, obviously waiting for him. His eyes immediately went to her outfit.

She wore a black mask just like him, and she seemed to have the same idea he had and had dressed up too. Currently, she was sporting a black leather jacket over a flowery patterned dress with thigh-high boots. She wasn't wearing a hat, which he though was strange, letting her brown hair fall down over her shoulders.

He began to feel self-conscious. She wasn't wearing much, unlike what she wore on stage, and yet she was stunning in his eyes. He felt under-dressed seeing her, even though he had put effort into looking good.

He started to feel something pulling at his heart. He knew that Eunji was beautiful, of course she was, she was an idol for a reason. But, it seemed to be slowly dawning on him that she was indeed beautiful

He wanted to look good for her. He wanted to look good on her arm. 

He went over to her, and he could see her breaking into a smile when she saw him. She went up to him, nearly jumping in her spot as she greeted him shyly yet excitedly. 

"Did you wait long?" he asked.

She shook her head. "I came just ten minutes before you did."

"So...that means you still waited..." he slowly said.

She smiled at him. "It's fine, Suho-shi. I didn't mind. It was nice to take a few minutes out and just relax, anyways."

He didn't seem to believe her. In his mind, he was still beating himself up for making her wait. 

She noticed it. She then grabbed his arm, linking their arms together. "Come on," she told him excitedly. "It's right here."

She lead (read: dragged) him towards a casual-looking restaurant in the building they were near. 

As he felt the passersby turning to look at them as they walked up the stairs to the place, he felt a strange sense of pride being with Eunji. He unhooked their arms as he held the door open for her, allowing her to go in, leading her in with a soft hand at her back.

He cast a quick look at the road to see that people were stopping to stare at the two of them. Some of them just continued walking along, while others paused to contemplate who the strange couple were. 

He felt it again, the strange pull at his heart. 

He wanted Eunji to feel as proud of being with him as he was with her.


A/N: It seems I am destined for short chapters...

And yet, I just finished a massive assignment, and now it's finally out of my way! I'll never have to touch it again for the rest of my life!

So to celebrate, have a new chapter!

And I've gotten a general idea of how long this story will be. I'm thinking of placing it around 30 chapters, so hope you guys will be ready to stick with me until then :) 

Thanks for all your support, all who've read, voted and commented. It really means a lot to me.

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