Chapter 13

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New character introduced. Tell me what you think of them. :) If you guys like them I might bring them back for another chapter. Love you guys! :D

Louis' POV

I shoved my hands into the pockets of the jacket I was wearing and kept my gaze down at the sidewalk while I walked. I didn't know exactly which direction I was walking in, and I honestly didn't care. All I wanted to was to get as far away from my friends and sister as possible. Whenever I was away from them it used to be easy to forget everything, but now I can't. Not now that I feel this gaping wound in my chest that Eleanor had left there.

They say that heartbreak is the most excruciating pain you'll ever feel in your entire life, and they'd have to be right. I'd never felt something this painful before, and I've been in plenty of fights and I lost both my mother and my sister at the same time. I might have gotten Jessie -Charlotte- back, but that doesn't take away the pain I felt whenever she was taken away. What makes it even it worse is that Eleanor was there to help take away the pain, and she was the reason I got through it. Without her I would have turned into one of the bad kids at the foster home, the ones who think their lives are worse than dirt so that's the way everyone else should be treated. But I didn't. I was one of the good ones that helped Mary watch the younger kids along with Eleanor while Glen was at work. I helped clean the house, took out the trash, and I even sat through little kid cartoon for hours on end. Now none of that seemed to matter, because apparently all the things that Eleanor did to show me she wanted more was nothing but a lie. 

I looked up to find that I was on a bridge, and I frowned slightly glancing over my shoulder. There was a thick eerie fog around me, but I knew the town enough to know that I'd been so consumed in my thoughts that I'd somehow managed to walk all the way across it. I felt a bit proud that I'd done that and I took a deep breath. The fresh air made the pain in my chest lift for just a moment, but it stuck fast. I began to wonder if what Jessie felt the night that she learned that her parents weren't actually her parents would measure up to the pain I feel. She drank to get rid of that feeling. Does that mean I could do it too?

I slowly walked over to the edge of the bridge and sat up on the ledge so that my feet were hanging off the side. I looked down to see the water and I bitterly noted that it was about a fifty foot drop. That'd surely kill me, but would it be painful? Or rather the real question was, would it be more painful then what I felt now?

"Are you a suicide risk? Do I need to call the cops?" A female voice called from behind me.

I tensed and gripped the sides of the ledge beneath me. "No. Please just go away." I responded.

"You know," I jumped slightly as the slight blonde female appeared beside me, "If you're feeling alone or depressed or whatever it actually is a lot better to talk it out then to just end it all."

I looked away from her and stared out into the fog in front of me. "I just talked about it to my sister and friend just a few minutes ago. It didn't help whatsoever. And I'm not a suicide risk, I just needed to find a place to think."

"And you couldn't have found a better place than the side of the largest bridge in town? That's a fifty one foot drop from here, and the water is pretty damn cold. I don't think you want to jump." She stated calmly and leaned on the bridge. "Maybe it'd help to talk about your problems to someone you don't know. That way their judgment won't be clouded whatsoever by whatever is wrong in your life."

I grimaced slightly, and still didn't look at her. "You sound like one of those therapists that make you lay on the couch and talk about your feelings until you grow old and die." I didn't want to talk about what was going on to her, because if I did then I might let something slip about what the lads and I used to do before finding Jessie. I really didn't want us to end up in jail whenever we've worked so hard to reinvent ourselves.

Strong [H.S] (Sequel to Demons) ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora