Chapter 2

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I grabbed my bag from the couch and slipped it onto my shoulder. My gaze shifted over to see Harry standing in the kitchen with a cup of water grasped tightly in his hand. I bit my lip slightly and hesitantly walked over to him. "Harry? Are you okay?" I asked quietly.

He let out a long breath and slowly nodded with his back still facing away from me. "Yeah. Sorry for scaring you."

I faintly smiled and put my hand against his back then gently rubbed the area to help him relax. "It's okay. I know you can't control that side of you."

He frowned and looked over his shoulder at me. "I wish it would stop. Everyone thinks it's stopped...everyone but you."

"It's okay, Harry." I gently repeated and touched his cheek. "That side of you isn't a problem for us anymore. It doesn't want to kill me, you've said that yourself."

He placed his hand over mine. "He loves you like I do, but he shows it differently. I have so many urges to just...lock you away inside the bedroom and never let you out or let anyone see you. Heck, I even want to tie you to the bed."

I laughed. "Well, you have done that before." I said with a slight smirk in order to provoke some kind of humor in him. It worked.

Harry laughed quietly and gently kissed the side of my hand. "True, I have. Maybe I should do that again tonight."

"Maybe." I cheekily replied and bit my lip. "And your demon side thrives on your jealousy and anger, Harry. Everyone feels like that, but you just need to learn to control yours better. Just trust me whenever I tell you that I don't want anyone else but you."

He let out a long breath and frowned. "I know that, Jessie. And I do trust you. I trust you with my life and more. I just don't trust anyone else. I.." He cut himself off and sighed.

I trailed my hand down his face to his shoulder. "You what?"

He shook his head. "Nothing, babe. You ready?"

I nodded a bit with a wary expression. "Yeah. Lets get going." I said quietly and slowly walked toward the door.

Within minutes we were both crammed into my old car and began heading toward my work. Despite the fact that I was more than happy to walk Harry would never allow me to. His overprotective nature shinned through even more as he would walked me to the door to make sure I got inside, but I didn't mind it because it allowed me to kiss him goodbye and show off what was mine. After he dropped me off he would normally head to work, but today his destination would be the old house.

I leaned against the door and bit my lip. "Harry, everything is okay with you, right?" I asked quietly and glanced at him from the corner of my eye.

His hands tightened around the steering wheel. "Why would you ask me that, Jessie?"

"Because sometimes you just get so...tense. I want to make sure you're okay, because I worry about you." I said in small voice.

"Jessie, you don't need to worry about me. I'm fine. I'm a man, remember? I can handle anything that's thrown at me, and I'm suppose to be the one that keeps you safe." He said sternly.

I sighed quietly. "Harry, you're taking the gender roles to seriously. Just because you're a male doesn't mean a damn thing, and you can't handle everything. We're getting married soon, and that means we're partners in this. You can't not tell me things just for my own protection anymore." I said softly and frowned when he didn't even look at me as he parked outside my place of work. "Harry, I tell you everything and I just want you to know you can trust me to do the same." I whispered and slowly got out of the car.

Strong [H.S] (Sequel to Demons) ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant