Chapter 23

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It's not the longest thing in the world, and some parts are kind of crappy, but I did my best. Sorry for the wait, guys. I just haven't felt up to writing anything and school is really killing me at this point. Anyway, hope you enjoy it regardless and let me know what you think in the comments. :)

Jessie's POV

They say whenever you learn that you're having the baby of someone you love it's a magical time, but if that's true, then why do I sudden feel like I'm about to throw up? My hand pressed against my stomach in amazement that there was a small life inside of me at this current moment, one that I didn't know about until just now. My child. Harry's child. Our child.

I quickly leaned down and grabbed my phone, which was thankfully not broken, and held it to my ear just in time to hear the doctor's worried response.

"Jessie, are you still there?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm still here." I said softly and sniffled before wiping my eyes.

"Are you alright?" His tone was worried again.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just a bit of a shock and I wasn't expecting it, but I have to ask. Are you sure this is really what's wrong with me?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, I am sure. The blood tests don't lie, Jessie. And you must understand that nothing is wrong with you, this is a blessing to most people."

I winced slightly. It felt as if he were stabbing me in the gut or shunning me. "I know, just wasn't expecting it to come so early." I whispered and rubbed my belly.

"Well, regardless, now that we know this for certain there are something we need to talk about. Do you have or know of a good OBGYN that you could go see sometime soon?"

I blinked and bit my lip. "Um, no. I don't." I don't even know what that is, so of course I don't have one.

"I know of a good one that's right near this hospital. She knows what she's doing and she's an excellent doctor. Would you like me to make you an appointment?" He asked.

I nodded to myself. "Yes. Thank you."

"You're welcome." He paused and I heard papers shuffling. "Is tomorrow at three good for you?"

"Yes. That's perfectly fine." I said quietly. I'd be at work, but I didn't care. Work was the least of my worries at this point.

"Alright. If you have any questions at all call this number..." He read off the digits and I quickly wrote them down with a pad and pen that Harry and I kept on the counter.

"Okay. Thanks doctor." I whispered and hung up with phone. Tears ran down my cheeks at an erratic pace and I couldn't stop them. I sank to the floor as a sob escaped my parted lips and I tried to run my fingers through my hair but I was stopped by the hair tie. I quickly jerked it from my hair, ignoring the pain from the loss of a few strands, and began to nervously run my fingers through it. I couldn't allow myself to believe that this was a reality. I couldn't be pregnant. 

My hands pressed against my abdomen and I sobbed again. I felt guilty for not being happy, and the guilt continued whenever I wanted to be happy. What was I suppose to feel? There had to some kind of common ground that I could use to get through this. However, I didn't really see how that was possible. The thing I was fearing most had happened and my mind tumbled back to the conversation I had with Harry about the what ifs we could be facing.


Harry stared at me for a moment and gulped. "Jessie, are you trying to tell me that you're pregnant?" He asked quietly and I could practically feel the tension rolling off of him.

Strong [H.S] (Sequel to Demons) ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat