Chapter 17

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I really would like a few comments, guys. It'll make me update much faster if you just took the time to give me a bit of feedback. :)

Things are unfolding a bit in this chapter...maybe a bit of foreshadowing as well. ;) Let me know in the comments what you think is going to happen.

Jessie's POV

I kissed Harry in a way that made it seem as if I were starved for his attention, and I guess in some ways I was. My mouth traveled from his lips to over his jaw so that the slight stubble gathering there brushed against my lips. His hands held my hips in place and kept me firmly against the bed. My breathing picked up considerably as my lips left his jaw and explored over his neck. I teased his skin by gently nibbling against it, and I enjoyed the passionate reaction I provoked that came out as a throaty groan.

Harry's fingers ran underneath my tee shirt and he tugged at it slightly showing his eagerness for it to come off, which caused me to laugh at his behavior.

"Care to explain why you want to do this while our friends are waiting in the living room?" I whispered against his neck and shivered slightly at how his hands traveled underneath my tee shirt to glide across the skin of my stomach.

"I thought you didn't care about my reasoning." He mumbled against my shoulder and kissed it gently.

I laughed quietly and ran my fingers through the hair on the back of his head to help me clear my head so I could breathe properly again. "I'm a curious person, Harry, you should know that by now." I said in a breathless tone.

He pulled back to look at me and kissed my lips once more. "I missed you, Jessie, and I wanted to show you how much I love you." He said simply.

I smiled and cupped his face in my hands. "I already know how much you love me, Harry. You tell me every single day what lengths you would go to protect me from any kind of danger or emotional or physical hurt." I whispered.

Some strange emotion flashed across his face and he frowned slightly. "So do you not want to do this?" He asked quietly.

I frowned up at him and gently ran my thumbs over his cheek bones. "Harry, my brother is in our living room along with two of your other friends."

"I locked the door. They don't have a key to it."

I laughed quietly and glanced at the door. "I guess that's true...but we'd have to be quiet. I don't think that's possible for us though." I said and blushed at my own words.

"I could always gag you." He said with an innocent smile.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What with my underwear again? I remember you do that to me a while ago before restraining me."

He shrugged and kissed me again. Both of our lips were already swollen from out heated interactions, and I found a long time ago that I really enjoyed seeing and making his swell like this. It made me smile to know that I'd caused the heated reminder. "Maybe. Could be fun though, right? It makes it more...exciting." He whispered hotly against my ear, making me shiver once more.

I took a deep breath and slowly moved my fingers so they ran down his back until I reached the hem of his tee shirt then I tugged on it slightly. "Fine. But we have to be fast. No fore play or anything like that, Harry. We have...stuff to talk about." I said quietly.

He smirked and kissed my jaw. "Alright. This should be fun." He said.

The next thing I knew both mine and his shirt were laying on the floor side by side.

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