Chapter 20

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Sorry for the wait guys, but as I've said, I'm writing two other stories as well as this one. I hope you enjoy this's a jaw dropper one. Seriously. Not even joking. I couldn't believe what I wrote. :3

Also, please stop begging for Jessie to go to the doctor. I know a lot you guys want her to find out what you think she's going to find out, but I have things planned a lot of stuff needs to happen before that stuff. I don't wanna be mean, but that's how things go. Hope you enjoy more of a thrilling chapter though!! :D


Zayn's POV

I felt relieved and upset at the same time. A part of me just want to scream out every little thing I've been keeping from them, but another just wanted me to keep my mouth shut. It was hard to figure out what part to listen to, however, I slipped my phone back into my pocket. I guess I picked option number three, keep my mouth shut for now and wait until another moment comes along to tell them.

"Mate, were you trying to tell us something?" Louis asked as he stood up from the love seat.

I froze for a moment and tried not to show the emotions that were currently trying to bubble up. I literally wanted to just blurt everything out here and now, but if I was going to do that I wanted all the lads around me. I didn't want to tell them all over and over how I lied about this. "It wasn't to important. Just my mum trying to contact me." I lied smoothly. Well, I guess it wasn't much of a lie, my mum had been trying to talk to me, but she stopped a couple weeks ago.

He frowned. "Are you okay? You know can talk to us about anything." He said and patted my shoulder.

I sighed quietly and leaned back against the wall. "I'm fine. Honest, I don't want her in my life right now. Especially not whenever we've got all this shit going on."

"You think they'd really hurt parents?" Niall asked quietly and looked down at his shoes. He wasn't talking about his mum, she was dead, and he didn't even know his father, so I wondered why he asked.

"I don't know, but we can't take any chances." I said and bit the inside of my cheek. "Seems like they just want to hurt us and there's only a few people in our lives that they can hurt."

"Have you tried to contact Perrie?" Louis asked, suddenly.

I stiffened and looked at him. "Why?"

"Because if they have enough guts to hurt my ex girlfriend then why not yours? You might want to check on her."

I clenched my jaw. "No. I don't want to check on her, Louis. Her life is probably a lot better without me and I don't want to put her in any danger. Whose to say that they even know about her and that if I try to contact her it won't just make them want to go after her?" I said in a stern voice with a complete stoned expression. My words were nonsense, but I couldn't help it. I needed to distract them.

Louis raised his hands as if to surrender in defeat. "No need to be so defensive, mate. I just thought that you might want to protect her. You loved her a lot and she hurt you so badly by leaving...I just.." He sighed. "I'm sorry. I just don't want you go through this pain."

I frowned. Now I felt guilty. "It's fine, I just don't want to attract attention toward her if it's not already there. I don't even know where she is anyway. It's not like she told me exactly where she was going or if she's even in the same place."

He nodded slightly as he dropped his hands and shoved them into his pockets. "Just keep your eye out. Who knows what these people are capable of." He said quietly and slowly sat down.

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