Chapter 11

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Sorry for the short chapter. If I get done with the next one this weekend I'll do a double update. :) Also, I think this story about half way through. There might be about ten chapters or so left unless I think of something else. Thanks for reading! <3

Jessie's POV

"Jessie, what the hell is so freaking important that you've been calling me for the past twenty minutes? I had to leave class in the middle of a very important lecture." Clarissa asked in a clearly aggravated tone.

I squeaked quietly and glanced into the kitchen. Harry was currently making that light lunch he promised me while I had slipped away to call my best friend with the news. "Would you count me setting a date for my wedding to be important?"

She squealed slightly. "Oh my god! You guys actually set a date? When? Where's it gonna be? God, we need to go over what color the brides' maids dresses will be!"

I laughed a bit and sat down on the bed. "Yes, we just set a date about an hour or so ago, I think. We want to get married on the twenty fourth of August." I stated with a smile then bit my lip. "We aren't sure where yet. I just needed to call you so you know when to come down."

"Geeze, Jessie. You're cutting it pretty dang close. That's barely a month away."

"I know, but we've been engaged for two years and the house is almost finished." I said quietly and bit my lip. Would she try to talk me out of it?

"Don't worry. This is your day and if this is what you want then we'll get it done. You didn't want a big ceremony anyway and it shouldn't be hard to find a location and get food." She said softly and I heard the ruffling of papers. "However, what we do need to do is get you fitted for a dress and Harry needs to get a tux along with his friends. I can get my dress over here as long as you tell me the right color."

"Umm...I'd have to pick the right dress before deciding on a color." I said quietly and bit my lip as a million various wedding dresses I'd seen in pictures and movies began to flood my mind. How would I ever be able to pick one out?

"Then that's the first thing we need to do, after of course finding a place to have the wedding."

I looked at Harry's bedside table and smiled a bit as the picture I'd given him the day he proposed to me was sitting there. He claimed that he wanted it to be one of the first things he saw in the morning and one of the last at night. "I'll have to discuss where with Harry. And I need to see if I can check the weather to see if our choices are limited."

"I'll get Connor on it. You know he loves his techy stuff." She said, and I could hear the smile in her voice.

I nodded a bit to myself. "So do you know when you'll be able to come down?"

"Umm..I don't know. Probably not for a couple weeks. I'm still finishing school, remember? My exams and finals are coming up." Clarissa said quietly, and I could hear the sadness displayed in her voice as I knew, if she could, she'd run down here in a heart beat.

I smiled slightly. "Well, my wedding will be the perfect party for celebrating you passing every single one of those tests."

She laughed a bit. "Yep. It will." There was another shuffling noise, and I heard her sigh. "I have to go, Jessie. Text me or something whenever you and Harry discuss the location or what kind of food you want."

"I will. Good luck with the lecture you're missing." I said and hung up the phone. I felt like a huge load had just been thrown off my chest. Slowly, I got up from the bed and walked out of the bed then I smiled as I looked around the corner to see Harry cooking something that smelled amazing. However, I was glad that it was a light lunch because I will still extremely full from breakfast. Maybe he was hoping I'd work up an appetite after some activities that would take place in the bedroom. Hmm...

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