Chapter 14

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Hope you enjoy. Sorry about the not very happy ending of the chapter. :/ Don't forget to follow me, I follow back! :)

Liam's POV

"Hang on. I need to check my phone." I said softly as I fished it out of my pocket and switched it on. I laughed a bit as I glanced up at her amused expression. "What?"

"I don't know. You seem like you've really grown up since we've last seen each other." Danielle smiled and rested her chin on her hands while she looked at me. "Is there any particular reason you need to check your phone?"

"Yeah. Louis and Zayn are out of town doing some things, and I wanna make sure the other lads keep me up to date on what's going on." I said with a soft shrug and ignored the way my cheeks turned pink at her grown up comment.

"What are they doing?" She asked.

"Visiting an old friend." I said distantly and frowned down at my phone screen.

Ten Missed Calls (Niall)

Five Missed Calls (Zayn)

And there were even a few texts from both of them telling me to answer the damn phone.

"Damn it. Sorry, Danielle, I really need to call Niall back." I said with an apologetic look.

She smiled and shrugged as she leaned back against her seat. "It's okay. Sounds like a big emergency."

I smiled softly and quickly punched in Niall's number. He answered before the first ring was finished and I didn't even get a word out before he started screaming. "Finally! Liam, where the hell are you? And why has your phone been off?"

I winced and took the phone slightly away from my ear. "I've been trying to clear my head, Niall. What's going on?"

"You didn't answer one of my questions. Where the hell are you? Louis and Zayn are back."

My stomach dropped slightly. "They're back? And I'm at the coffee shop down the block from our flat." I looked at Danielle, whom was looking interested in the one sided conversation.

"Yes, they're back. You need to get back here right away."

I winced slightly and sighed. "Fine. I'll be there in five." I hung up and frowned as I looked at Danielle. "Dani-"

She held up her hand and shook her head. "No, it's okay. This seems really important, and I need to get back to looking for a job anyway." She said and slowly stood up.

"You're looking for a job?" I asked.

She nodded as she picked up her bag. "Yeah. My uncle, sister and I got kicked out of our apartment. Uncle isn't making enough money to pay the rent so we're all staying in this really crappy motel room." She grimaced.

"You could stay with me." I said quickly before she had a chance to go.

She blinked. "All of us?"

"No. Just you. I could pay for your uncle and sister to stay somewhere else a lot better than they are." I said and bit the inside of my cheek. Was I this desperate to not let her out of my sight ever again?

"Liam, are you asking me to move in with you? Because that's a big step. We haven't even gotten back together yet." She said quietly.

Yet. That one little word made my heart beat faster and I smiled. "No, I'm asking you, a friend, to stay with me until you can get somewhere else to stay. Besides, we still need to catch up."

Strong [H.S] (Sequel to Demons) ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang