Chapter 1

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I rolled over onto my stomach and let out a peaceful sigh as the morning sun began to peak through the curtains. My lips turned up into a soft smile and I closed my eyes to hold onto the small percent of sleep that I had left in my body, but I knew instantly that would be impossible once I felt the bed shift beside me.

Warm lips ran down the skin of my bare back, making me shiver in delight. "I know you're awake babe." Harry said in his husky morning voice that was still filled with sleep.

I hummed in response and relaxed further as his lips traced down my spine. His finger tips ran down my bare back until they reached the curve of my back side to which he cheekily squeezed one of the cheeks making me gasp softly.

"It's time to wake up, Jessie. We both need to get ready for work." He whispered and placed a soft kiss on my shoulder.

I whimpered quietly and put the pillow over my head. "Five more minutes." I whined in a playful tone.

"If you don't get out of the bed I think I have my own ways of making you." He said with a smirk evident in his tone that I could see even though my face was pressed into the mattress. His fingers began to slid down over my backside until they reached between my legs, and I tensed slightly as his fingers lightly brushed over my core.

My thighs tightened around his fingers. "Are you going to finger me until I wake up?" I groaned in the mattress while I kept the pillow over my head to shield my eyes from the morning light.

He lightly massaged the area before taking his fingers away, much to my disappointment, and for a second I thought he'd left the bedroom. However, that thought instantly went away as I felt his large hand smack against my backside, making me cry out in surprise.

I jerked up while clutching the sheet to my chest, and I glared at his innocent and amused expression. "That's not funny, Harry." I spoke in an annoyed tone with my cheeks in flamed.

He smirked and poked my red cheek. "Well, now that you're up you can take a shower with your fiance." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes a bit at his childish behavior and slowly climbed off the bed without taking the sheet with me to shield my naked body from him. It wasn't like he hadn't seen it before, and I wasn't shy about him seeing it. I smirked playfully at him as I ran my fingers through my obvious bed head mixed with sex hair. If I walked outside right now without taming the mess there'd be no doubt what I had been doing last night.

"Hey, Harry you awake ye-" Niall started to say as he walked through our bedroom door then once he saw me he quickly jerked the door closed with his eyes squeezed shut. "Sorry, Jessie! I didn't see anything I swear!" He called out through the door.

I let out a long breath and crossed my arms. "It's fine, Niall." I responded and rolled my eyes. Unfortunately, that wasn't the first time that I'd been walked in on. I couldn't tell you how many times I've been walked in on whenever I was getting into, out, or even actually being in the shower, while I was changing, or times like this. To be honest I was getting a bit used to it. Also wasn't always Niall either that walked in on me, all of the boys had done it at least once. The most awkward was with Louis as he's my older brother and would pick on me afterwards, much to my annoyance.

"Niall, for the last time you need to knock." Harry said in a gruff tone that showed his irritation. Clearly despite the fact that I was used to being walked in on Harry wasn't. He got insanely annoyed and jealous whenever his best friends saw my body. Heck, he was jealous of any male I talked to, but he didn't say anything because he didn't want to start an argument over it. I just knew the signs of his jealousy.

"I know, I'm sorry! Liam just made me check to see if you guys were awake yet. We can't be late today if you want to be finished by four!" Niall called through the door.

Strong [H.S] (Sequel to Demons) ✓Where stories live. Discover now