Chapter 5

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Dedicated to @luckylulle for being my 100th follower! Sorry I didn't do this at first, I completely forgot! Haha. :)

Jessie's POV

I studied the pictures carefully, and I instantly felt a bit jealous. Despite the fact that Eleanor's face was marred with bruises and cuts, she was still undeniably beautiful. I was almost plain compared to her simple beauty. However, I pushed away my stupid thoughts and hugged Louis gently as he stared at one picture particular. I got just a good enough look at the picture to see that it was blurry, and it seemed to be that way because it was taken during a specific action. And that action was the man slapping Eleanor across the face with such force it was cringe worthy.

"" Louis whispered in disbelief and shook his head back and forth.

"Does the guy look familiar to you?" I whispered.

He shook his head and made a slight irritated noise. "No. It just doesn't make sense. Why the hell would someone send me these pictures and not some sort of address or something? Anything that I could use to find her."

"Maybe that's the point." I said in a small voice.

He looked at me with confusion and anger in his eyes, but I knew only the confusion was directed at me. "What?"

"Maybe whoever sent these pictures just wants you to get worked up about it. And it's working, Louis, you just opened this envelope not even two minutes ago and you're already going crazy."

"I think I have the right to be going crazy at this point, Jessie." He snapped.

I frowned. "You do, but we have to think about this rationally, because if you keep freaking out it's not going to do Eleanor any good."

Louis looked at me and shook his head. "Jessie, let me ask you something. If we were switched and it was Harry in these pictures and you had no idea where the hell he was in order to help him, what would be your first instinct to do?"

I pressed my lips together as I allowed that question and idea to sink in. What would I be doing right now if I was in this situation? Most likely I'd be in a fit of tears and screaming at Louis to help me find Harry, but obviously Louis wouldn't do something like that. He's more strong minded than me and he'd seen so much more of the world. However, I got his point. I'd be freaking out to the extreme and the last thing I'd be wanting to do would be to have someone telling me I needed to clear my mind and think rationally.

I let out a long breath. "I see what you mean. What should we do?"

"Jessie, I-"

I cut him off by shaking my head as I knew exactly what he was going to say. Probably something to do with not wanting me to get involved as this situation was seeming a bit dangerous, but I didn't care. I'd been through hell and back with him and the rest of the guys, I could handle a lot more than they think. "No. Don't even start that, Louis. I'm helping you."

"Why would you want to help me, Jessie? You don't even know her." He frowned.

I smiled sadly and put my hand on his shoulder. "Louis, you love her, and I love you. You're my big brother and, obviously, I want to find the girl you've been heartbroken about for the past five or so years. And despite that, she's being hurt. No one deserves that."

He let out a long breath and slowly nodded as he fully absorbed my words. "You're right. Dammit, this just doesn't make sense. Obviously, whoever sent these pictures took them from a distance. I doubt that Eleanor or the guy knew they were being photographed, and that just makes me wonder what the reason behind it is."

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