Chapter 10

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Hope you enjoy. xx Sad chapter a head and semi graphic scene. Fair warning.

Trailer on the sidebar. >>>>

Louis' POV

"I think I saw her go that way." I said and pointed toward a corner up a head.

"Louis, I think we might have lost her." Zayn said quietly as he looked around the various faces of the people on the sidewalk.

"No. I saw her go around the corner. I think she's heading toward the market."

"Are you sure, Louis? There's at least a dozen females walking around that look like her from the back." He responded as he followed my instructions to turn the corner.

"Yes, I'm absolutely sure. I know what she looks like, Zayn. She hasn't changed much from the last time I saw her except in weight. She's really small now."

"She was small before."

"Yes, but not this small. It's unhealthy for her to be as skinny as she currently is." I said with a frown as we began to drive toward the store, then I felt my heart all but leap out of my chest. "There! She just went into the store." I pointed toward the parking lot.

Zayn slowly turned the corner and parked near the back of the parking lot. "Are you sure you want to do this, Louis?"

I bit the inside of my cheek and glanced at the doors. "Yes. I have to help her. She might have left me, but I still care about her way to much for her to have to deal with this stuff. She doesn't deserve it." I whispered.

He half smiled and nodded as he patted my shoulder. "Alright. Just text me or something if you need back up. I'll be in there within a few seconds." He bit his lip. "Good luck, Louis."

I took a deep breath as I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door. "Thanks, I have a feeling after yesterday I really am going to need it." I said quietly as I climbed out of the car and shut the door behind me.

As I walked toward the doors my legs almost felt like they were turning to jelly as my nerves suddenly began to kick in even further. However, I somehow managed to push myself forward and walk straight through the door way. I pulled my hood up and glanced around to see if Eleanor was in plain sight. I didn't want her to see me and run off because I needed to nicely corner her somewhere in order to talk to her.

I smiled once I saw her staring at the fruit with a puzzled look on her face as she studied the different kinds as if to properly select the best one. As I watched her I couldn't help but remember all the times she looked at me like that and it was silly to compare myself to the fruit. However, I didn't care because I honestly wished I was the fruit as silly as that may sound.

I took a deep breath and glanced around. The market was almost empty and no one was around us, so I knew that now was the time to talk to her. I had to or I'd never get another chance. Slowly, I walked over to stand beside her and acted like I was looking at the different types of fruits in front of me, but she didn't seem to take notice. She reached forward and grabbed an apple, firmly squeezed it then put it inside of her basket before turning to head somewhere else. However, once she turned is when she caught full sight of me standing barely a foot away from her.

Eleanor stiffened and took a half step back. "Louis, what the hell are you doing here?" she asked harshly.

I gulped. That tone didn't sound right coming from her. "Shopping." I responded with a shrug.

"That's a lie. You've been following me." She said narrowly and crossed her arms.

"I wanted to talk to you, Eleanor." I said softly.

Strong [H.S] (Sequel to Demons) ✓Where stories live. Discover now