Terrifying Encounter

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I had this weird feeling that someone or something was following me. I walked down the empty streets of L.A, which was already a bad idea. It was pretty late out tonight. A quick glance at my watch told me it was after midnight. With a sigh, I hurried my stride down the long almost deserted street.
Dont ask me why I decided to take a different route home tonight. Call it just me being stupid. I turned down yet another unfamiliar street and I heard a faint sound two my left. I wasn't one to explore shit so I kept my pace down the cracked sidewalk.
I got to the end of the block and in my haste I failed to realize it was a dead end, a huge fence towering over me blocked my path. All I could see past it was trees and foliage. No way I was going hiking.
"Oh what the fuck?" I whisper shouted to myself then quickly froze when I heard that sound from earlier behind me.
Turning to face the noise, finding nothing in my view. A soft meow caught my attention and I looked down to see black kitten that seemed to creep out of the darkness. I was usually a sucker for small animals, but this one gave me an bad feeling and made me want to high tail it the fuck out of there.
The kitten just sat there staring at me with its red eyes. Red eyes? And did I say stare? No I meant glared.
The way it looked at me was if I killed it in a past life. Multiple times. It suddenly took a step closer and I took a few steps back.
"Don't be afraid." Came a voice that sent chills up my spine.
My eyes widened and I raised a shaky finger at the feline. My heart was beating out of my chest. I have bad anxiety, ya see and this 'cat' was going to give me a heart attack.
"D-Did you just.." I started.
"Talk? Why yes, princess." The deep voice spoke into my head.
The cat just continued to stare before its eyes began to glow, casting a eerie light on the street. It bagan to shift and I watched horrified when the cat shapeshifted into a man.
I wanted to run. Hell I begged my legs to move. But for some reason I was compelled to stay in that spot, staring back at the pale shapeshifter. His red eyes were no longer glowing, but he instead smirked at my horror, showing off his razor sharp incisors. He ran his hands through his thick jet black hair.
"W-What t-the actual fuck?" I blurted out.
The demon just laughed at my outburst. The sound made goosebumps appear up my arms.
"Hello, princess. I'm Dark. You and I are going to have some fun. You're mine now." He growled.
He was practically grinning, his beautiful face contorted slightly making him look deranged. He smiled harder almost as if he could read my thoughts.
Out of no where I got this dizzy feeling and I couldn't think straight. My vision my was going in and out. I tried to steady myself the best I could but I lost my footing. The last thing I saw was a final flash of red and then concrete before I blacked out.

~Please tell me what you think. Should I continue while I work on Forced Together? Idk. Lol~

You're Mine Now (Prequel To Forced Together) (Book 2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum