Chapter 14- Spies

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Saturday, January 28th

Lincoln High School Tennis Courts, 1:15PM

Out of the corner of her eye, Jamie saw Korbin tense and turn to stare across the school campus in an attempt to see her followers. After a few minutes he turned and looked at her doubtfully. She wasn't surprised that he doubted her. Korbin didn't know what to look for, but she couldn't explain now. Sean's voice was rising from her phone, and she would have to deal with him first. She went back to paying attention to Sean as he yelled, "I'll call the guys right away, and tell them where you are."

Jamie coolly replied, "No need. They are the ones following me." Korbin was looking at her like she was nuts, but Sean accepted her words with silence. Finally, he asked softly, "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry. I have a plan," answered Jamie.

Jamie almost smiled when Sean said in resigned tones, "Now I am really worried," before hanging up.

As she turned off her phone, Jamie saw Korbin open his mouth to ask questions. She glanced around and saw people coming. She gave a quick shake of her head and promised him, "Later. I don't want to explain now," and nodded at the guys approaching. "Either they believe me and think my uncles are weird, or they think I'm paranoid." Korbin looked around before giving a small reluctant nod. Jamie then suggested, "Just tell me about the people on your team."

With a resigned sigh Korbin focused on the first two coming through the gate. They both looked a little older and seemed to be friends. Both seemed serious, but one seemed to lead the way. He had dark skin and curly dark hair that he wore very short. He looked around to see if everything was prepared, and smiled his thanks at Korbin and gave him a nod of approval.

From the small cues, Jamie guessed that he was the captain. Korbin confirmed this by addressing him as Captain, even though his friend called him Terrance.

The other serious one had blond hair. He wore glasses over his pale blue eyes. He also watched everything, and seemed to be analyzing for the best strategy.

He is a planner, and would probably get along well with Sean, thought Jamie. She was sure he would be good at strategy games like chess. Korbin called that one Ivan, and said that he was a senior too.

It wasn't long before two more arrived. One had dark straight hair and seemed serious, too. From his dark skin tones, Jamie thought that he might have some Asian ancestors in his background like Korbin. He was wasn't as tall as Korbin, but he was even more muscular. He moved like he had training in martial arts.

Korbin called him Samuel, and said that he and his friend Finn were both juniors. Finn had bright red hair with bright blue eyes, and seemed to smile a lot.

Something about the glint in his eye made Jamie think that he would enjoy the prank wars at her home.

Jamie recognized the next person to walk in as Moe.

They milled around a little longer, and a few others showed up, but didn't enter. After a little bit, the captain started talking, and Jamie slipped outside the fence.

Terrance stepped forward and reminded them that since it was a weekend this was just an extra practice to help them get ready for the ranking tournament.

Ivan suggested a strong warm-up. Jamie decided to use the time while she waited for the team to get past the warm ups. Jamie started by unpacking her backpack. She had brought signs, a stapler, and tape. She found a bulletin board, and couple of poles, to put up advertisements for the dojo. After finishing her task, she doubled back on her stalkers.

"Where did she go? I lost her as she went past that group of trees," came Jenks's voice from the rustling tree branches Jamie stood under.

"Shh, you know she was looking back earlier, and Bandit is the only one better at the hunting and hiding. You don't want her to find us, do you?" answered Colton nervously.

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