Chapter 3- Emancipation or Bust...Heads

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Friday, January 27th 3:45 pm

Courthouse in Dallas, Texas

All four men spun around and spotted the police officer escorting Jamie out of the door, and they burst into smiles. They had gotten to know him after the night that he had answered Jamie's call. Even though he had ended up taking her to the youth shelter, Bandit didn't hold it against him. His hands had been tied by the accusations, and he had done his best to help her after he took her there.

Lieutenant Kastigo was tall and his strawberry blond hair was going gray, but he had clear green eyes that seemed to notice everything. He said, "Judge Reinhold has read all the statements and talked to Jamie. She shared her plan of running the dojo/gym you are setting up and staying in the apartment above it. He is ready to talk to you guys since Ms. Nelson and I have been called in to give our reports." He gestured behind Jamie and suddenly they all noticed the extra lady standing there.

The lady's dusky complexion flushed as she found herself the center of the attention. She ducked her head and her pretty face and large dark eyes were almost hidden by the long strands of curly black hair that fell forward. She was above average height and model thin, but her choice of clothes couldn't have been worse. The long black skirt and a brown button down shirt made her look as flat as a washboard.

Ms. Nelson turned away from the force of their stares and focused on Jamie with a smile. She mumbled something about saving a seat and gave Jamie a reassuring pat on the arm before retreating across the room. Ms. Nelson didn't even notice that Jamie had stiffened up, stopped breathing, or that her eyes had dilated in the brief second when she had touched Jamie on the arm.

Bandit noticed though. Bandit glanced around and saw that the others were talking to Lieutenant Kastigo and Jamie was trying to act normal, but he wasn't fooled. The woman didn't look dangerous, thought Bandit as he glanced again at Ms. Nelson's retreating back. As he scanned her body, Bandit felt a stirring of interest that he shoved away. Even if she had the type of body that he found attractive, Jamie was afraid, and he couldn't tell why. He had never seen a less imposing person. The lady seemed like the type that would back down from a hissing kitten. Bandit gave one last admiring glance at the lady's back side before giving himself a mental slap. There was a mystery to figure out, and a judge to talk to. Those things were more important than a nice ass, he reminded himself.

Jamie seemed to notice his interest in Ms. Nelson because she said quietly, "She is the one who kept me up on assignments. When my DHS worker wasn't supportive of trying for an emancipated minor status she spent hours helping me research and fill out the papers. Ms. Nelson is great."

Bandit gave a brief nod to let her know that he heard her before he noticed that Lieutenant Kastigo was leading the others toward the judge's chambers. He hurried to catch up, but before he went through the door he gave one more look over his shoulder and saw that Jamie had joined Ms. Nelson on the bench. While they chatted he saw one of Jamie's rare smiles. He wasn't sure why Jamie had been scared, but he was determined to find out what was going on.

Jamie noticed when Bandit look back over his shoulder at Ms. Nelson. She had been worried that one of her uncles would suspect something. She just hadn't prepared herself for her teacher's touch.

Jamie thought about how Bandit had stared at Ms. Nelson earlier. A small grin brightened her face unexpectedly as Jamie realized that having her favorite teacher come today could have an unexpected benefit. Bandit had been interested in her. Jamie had seen him checking Ms. Nelson out. She wasn't dressed to impress, but Jamie knew that her uncle was good at noticing more than the obvious. Jamie glanced over at her teacher and saw that she was watching the door where the men had disappeared. She couldn't help but wonder if Ms. Nelson might just be interested in Bandit too.

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