Chapter 22- Strategy

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Sunday, January 29th 6:30am

Swisher Park Public Tennis Courts

A lot of courts were empty since it was so early. Jamie followed along as Korbin claimed a court. Once they were ready to start, Jamie told him which shots she wanted to try from the previous day. He gave a few pointers before they started playing.

As Jamie tried out the different shots, she started thinking about strategy. She finally asked when would be best time to use each shot. Korbin's brow furrowed before he admitted he hadn't thought about that before. Jamie voiced her opinion that certain shots would work better against players that had different styles.

When Korbin didn't answer right away, Jamie worried that they were about to have their first argument. He didn't argue or act like he knew it all though.  Instead he asked, "You mean like I usually keep the ball low and close for Moe instead of a high lob that he can do a smash with?"

Jamie nodded in relief and answered, "Exactly. Are there good and bad times for the other shots too?"

This time Korbin grinned. He seemed entranced with the idea, and immediately wanted to figure out the answer. They went through the different shots again, and this time they tested them against different styles.

A couple of hours later, they were finally ready to turn the court over to another group. Jamie flushed with pleasure when Korbin admitted, "I was trying to perfect a couple of shots, but you made me realize that there are times a simple shot might be even more effective."

"Well, thanks for helping figure out those shots," Jamie replied.

"You were the one who managed to do them all," Korbin praised.

"Yeah, and you figured out the best way to counter them," Jamie responded with a grin.

Her smile faded as she looked past Korbin's shoulder and noticed the crowds outside the fence. She was glad that they were leaving, the press of people was starting to make her feel closed in, but at the same time she was reluctant to cut through a crowd of strangers.

Just as she thought that, the crowd shifted and Jamie spotted someone that she recognized. The feeling of anxiety just increased though. Aaron was again glaring at Korbin with hate filled eyes. This time he was with some girls. Jamie saw him turn and talk to one right before she sauntered onto the court. Jamie gripped her racket and gave an involuntary step back as the girl headed straight for her. Jamie was grateful that Korbin noticed and immediately moved to intercepted the girl before she was more than a couple of steps onto the court.

Jamie forced herself to take a deep breath and look away. She noticed Aaron's smug grin before the crowd moved to block him again. He was up to something and the girl was part of it, Jamie would have bet on it.

Jamie already wanted to grab Korbin and run, but when she refocused on the girl she wanted to snatch Korbin away even more. The new reason had nothing to do with her panic attacks and everything to do with jealousy. The girl was tall and her dark mocha skin didn't seem to have any flaws. Her curly hair fell down her back in waves that Jamie's straight hair could never duplicate, and she was built. Jamie barely managed not to glance at her own, much smaller chest, but couldn't stop comparing in her mind. The worst thing was that she and Korbin were standing really close together.

Gradually, Jamie noticed some less obvious details. First off, they weren't flirting. The girl kept trying to work her way over to Jamie, and Korbin kept cutting her off. Whenever that happened she would cringe back a half step before stopping and trying again. Something was definitely up, but Jamie didn't want her anywhere near Korbin. Jamie headed over to find out just what was going on.

Korbin gave a welcoming smile, before he introduced Jamie to the girl and called her Susie.

Jamie noticed that Susie was giving Korbin a cautious look before turning to her and saying confidently, "I am the captain of the girl's tennis team. I usually play doubles with Nancy." Susie showed off her jacket, and nodded to a girl standing next to Aaron. "Korbin said that you are a good player, but you just started. How about a game?"

Jamie glanced at Korbin questioningly, but he just nodded and whispered, "Go ahead. It might be fun, and we have some time before we have to get back. It wouldn't hurt for you to get to know more people on the team."

Jamie nodded and turned back to Susie while Korbin left the court. Jamie approached mid-court and was grateful Susie was on the opposite side of the net. Just before getting in arms length, Jamie stopped and tried for a friendly grin while saying, "Thanks for introducing yourself. I'll be registering on Monday, and I wasn't looking forward to joining a school full of strangers." She then waited to see how Susie would respond to that half truth.

Susie looked away from her friends at the edge and looked Jamie up and down with a little scowl. Then she said in condescension, "Korbin said that you were picking tennis up quickly, and thinks you would be good for the tennis team. I doubt that you would see much playing time this year, but if you join the team we will work to teach you the basics. There is nothing we can do about your height. Being short will limit your reach, and you won't be able to do some shots. You might be able to eventually get down some simple shots, and be able to play some by next year. Why don't you give me your best shots, so that I can give you some tips?"

Jamie bit her tongue, and forced herself to nod calmly even as she seethed inside. Just who did this girl think she was to come onto the court with her beautiful hair and big bust just to insult her? Susie wanted to see her best shot? A narrow miss from a kick serve might impress her. As Jamie turned to go serve, Susie reached across and grabbed Jamie's arm.

Jamie froze and her hand clenched on the racket as she stopped herself from swinging it. She took a deep breath and forced herself to ask nicely, "Was there something else?"

Susie glanced at her friends and then over at Korbin before she answered, "Before we start I wanted to give you some advice. You are new around here, so you wouldn't know. Stay away from Korbin."

Jamie glanced at her trapped wrist and struggled to answer in a normal voice, "Why?" She couldn't help but wonder if Susie was interested in him after all.

Jamie noticed Aaron nod at Susie from the corner of her eye, and then Susie continued, "He is a dangerous and scary guy. I've heard stories. The only reason he isn't in jail is because his father is a cop. No one knows what he is capable of. Just stay away from him."

Jamie stared at her trapped wrist as she argued, "The tennis team seems to like him."

Susie shook her head and made a derisive sound, "I know guys on the tennis team. They would avoid him too, but tryouts are open to anyone." Susie stared at Jamie hard and insisted, "Using him to get to the guys on the team won't work, and would be a bad idea. Making a guy like that jealous is not a good move."

Jamie couldn't stand any more. She jerked her wrist away, and snapped, "I think that I understand you perfectly. Message delivered. Ready to play?"

Susie hesitated at the sudden change in Jamie's attitude, but nodded in agreement.

As Susie went to her spot, Jamie thought about her time at Roosevelt and wondered how many kids had talked about her the way Susie had just talked about Korbin. Her hands began to shake. Jamie took a couple of deep breaths. While she tried to get her hands to stop shaking, Jamie thought of her serve. She wanted it to be perfect, but a new way to do it popped into her mind. Jamie wondered briefly if Susie would be impressed or not with the alteration. Either way, Susie wouldn't forget it anytime soon.

Don't you love a little cliff hanger?  Do you think you know what she has planned?  Go ahead and guess.   Don't worry.  I'll update again soon.  You won't have to wait TOO long.

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