Chapter 54- How to Avoid Troublesome Questions

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Thursday, February 2nd 3:15PM

Lincoln High School- Hallway outside Ms. Miller's Office

Jamie and Korbin walked to their lockers in silence. After grabbing their things, they headed for practice. They were almost to their locker rooms before their faces turned back to their normal color. Only then did Jamie remember that she had information for Korbin. She quickly told Korbin that Sondra had tried to work some computer magic during lunch to keep messages from going home.

Korbin asked, "How did she manage that?"

Jamie shrugged and admitted, "I didn't ask, but if she said she could do it then it is done," before darting into the girls' locker room.

Korbin gave a small grin, and admitted that Jamie was right about Sondra. He shouldn't worry about that when he had plenty other stuff to worry about. For instance, he was late for practice. At that reminder he hurried to change. He didn't need to get into any more trouble today. The door was just swinging closed behind him when Jamie came out of the girls' locker room.

The shirt she was wearing came to mid thigh, but didn't cover her neck. Korbin was relieved that the red marks had faded. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary now. That helped settle the guilt that was still swirling inside, and he fell into step with Jamie as they approached the courts. The coaches were standing with Ivan, and called them over as they began to go toward their own teams.

Coach Riley watched them approach, before firmly saying, "I want to know what is going on. You both were called to the office. Jamie was suspended, but allowed to come to practice. Aaron is gone, and no one is saying anything."

Jamie glanced curiously at Ivan. He looked uncomfortable, and there didn't seem to be a reason for him to be standing with the coaches instead of running with the rest of the players. She put him out of her mind as she turned back to the coaches.

Jamie sighed and admitted carefully, "I was caught making out with Korbin, but since this was my first offense here Ms. Dean just had me serve the detention in the office. We both still had to talk to Ms. Miller, but Ms. Dean also said that she didn't want us blabbing about what had happened."

Both coaches turned to Ivan, and Jamie was wondering why, but then Ivan gave a cautious nod. It dawned on Jamie that Ivan's insight in tennis and chess probably carried over to reading his classmates. Basically, he was a human lie detector. Jamie almost rolled her eyes as she wondered if her luck could get any worse. With a deep breath, Jamie forced herself to calm down. She hadn't lied yet, and she had a few tricks up her sleeve if they started asking too many questions.

Coach Riley then asked, "Do you know what happened to Aaron?"

Jamie looked directly at her and said, "He was escorted out while we were in the office. He made a big commotion, but we were in another room when he left."

Coach Riley again looked at Ivan.

Ivan said to the coach, "She is telling the truth, but there's more."

Coach Riley frowned and insisted, "We need more information than the office is giving, or we won't be able to make an appropriate lineup. Everyone wants a winning team, but how can I give them that when I don't have the information that I need?"

Ivan nodded and turned to Jamie as he ordered in a firm tone, "You need to tell me everything that happened."

Even if he was good at reading body language, Jamie almost smirked at his overconfidence. Going on the offensive would stop him in his tracks. Jamie hid her face as she yelled, "You are such a pervert! It's bad enough that the office recorded me kissing Korbin, but now you want me to give you details! I won't do it!"

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