Chapter 7- Time to Take a Stand

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Saturday, January 28th  8:45am

Swisher Street

Jamie watched him leave, and couldn't help wishing that things were different. Colton's chuckle drew her attention, and she decided to vent her frustration and anger on the REAL culprits. "Since when have you let Colton make decisions? You know we always regret it. Do you remember when we let him plan our vacation? He thought riding down the Grand Canyon on donkeys would be a nice way to relax. Never mind that none of us knew how to ride, and one is afraid of heights."

When Colton opened his mouth to protest Jamie turned away to glare at Jenks, and he started to squirm. "You really felt you needed to set up a play date? I thought that we had the "interfering talk" when you redecorated my room." When he actually flinched, Jamie started feeling better. She was on a roll, but no longer furious.

"You can not go around trying to run my life like I'm six!" Jamie continued in a firm voice. She knew that they meant well, but having control of her own life seemed like the most important thing in the world right now. Even if it meant spoiling the mood, she didn't feel she could let it go.

Bandit watched Jamie closely, and then rumbled in a serious tone, "We know you're sixteen, but we care about you. Maybe we shouldn't have let the joke on Korbin go so far, but he jumped to the conclusion on his own. We just didn't correct him."

Jamie turned and narrowed her eyes.

Bandit held her gaze and gave a confident grin, but reluctantly added, "We were just going to watch when he was finally introduced. None of us expected him to play hero. As for switching spots, you should have been able to avoid him. You lost focus, and you can't blame that on me. That was your own fault."

Jamie gave a reluctant nod before she admitted, "I love you guys." As the rest started to relax she added, "but now we will ALL have to go and apologize."

There was a synchronized groan that caused Jamie to grin. She knew exactly how they felt. They looked appalled and started to make excuses, but Jamie firmly cut off their protests. Just as she was getting ready to shove them out the door, there came a knock from the other side.

Jamie opened the door quickly, hoping this wouldn't take too long. Her uncles were already looking for escape routes. Only when she recognized the person as one of the people she had depended on, did she stop being irritated at the interruption.

"Lt. Kastigo, its you!" Jamie squealed as she opened the door wider. She braced herself while reaching forward to give a brief hug.

Lt. Kastigo accepted the quick hug before he asked, "How are you doing girl? I thought that your uncles would get you as soon as possible this morning, so I decided to stop by to see how you were doing."

Jamie laughed and admitted, "I was barely dressed when they arrived. They had to wait while I finished packing everything up." She glanced at Bandit and whispered, "I think that Bandit used the time to hit on Ms. Nelson."

Lt. Kastigo grinned, and pretended he didn't see Bandit blush. He said, "Nothing gets by you. That was why you made such a good witness. Without you we wouldn't have been able to put Jared away for so long." Jamie began to shake her head, and he continued, "Thanks to you, he will never have a young girl under his control again." He paused before casually asking, "Has his wife, Sharon, tried to contact you any more?"

Jamie shrugged and said, "Yeah, she claims that she feels bad about what happened. Supposedly, I have a box of clothes coming to replace the ones she 'accidentally' ruined and threw away. I'm not getting my hopes up though. There is no telling what she considers workout clothes."

Lt. Kastigo nodded. He wasn't surprised. Sharon was trying to keep herself out of jail. Since she had been passed out from all the wine Jared plied her with, she had managed to avoid accessory charges. However, she was facing charges for misappropriating state funds and neglecting a foster child in her care.

Her uncles jumped in with extra questions, and Jamie was sure that she would have trouble dragging them away any time soon. After a moment, Jamie remembered that he had said he was stopping on his way into work, and finally Korbin's last name clicked. Kastigo was not a common name. Her stomach twisted with even more guilt as she asked, "So, do you and your family live close by?"

Lt. Kastigo exchanged smiles with her uncles before admitting, "We live right across the street."

A sinking feeling developed even as Jamie switched to hoping that Korbin might be a distant relation. She swallowed hard before she asked, "Do you have any kids?"

"Sure. Two little twin girls, and a son that is a little older than you. Why?"

Jamie blushed and admitted, "I think I met him this morning."

Lt. Kastigo's eyebrows shot up and he asked, "Really?"

"I think so." As Lt. Kastigo suddenly frowned, Jamie wondered if she had misjudged him. She knew there were plenty of adults that would consider her to be a bad influence, but she had thought that Lt. Kastigo was different. A mask of indifference settled over her face as she asked, "Is there a problem with that?"

Lt. Kastigo rolled his eyes as he grumbled, "Korbin knew I wanted to surprise him with this place. He just couldn't wait. He had to come over and try to find out what was going on."

A grin winked out as Jamie kicked herself for being so suspicious. She urged, "Don't be too mad. I'm sure he regrets coming over."


Jamie flushed and looked at her uncles guiltily.

Jenks grinned as he admitted, "Korbin got the idea that Jamie was a boy when we suggested that he work out with her. Some of us," and he nudged Colton, "thought it would be funny to see how he how he reacted to Jamie being a girl." Jenks looked away guilty as Colton continued, "Unfortunately, he walked in when Jamie was sparring with Bandit, and got the wrong idea."

Lt. Kastigo winced and asked, "No one got hurt, right?"

"Maybe a few bruises when Jamie crashed into him, but no real damage," Bandit stated. He grinned and repeated, "She over-committed to a move."

When Jamie blushed and looked away, Lt. Kastigo chuckled and said, "That doesn't sound too bad. I'm sure you can work it out. He is at the school tennis courts this morning. Coach Riley unlocks the court and equipment shed on Saturdays, and team can use the courts while she works in her office."

Jamie hesitated and then nodded. She thought about dragging her uncles with, but they were back to asking questions of their guest. It was good to see them getting along with someone new. As she slipped out, she told herself that she would have them apologize later.  

Well?  Is she too ungrateful?  She was just picked up that morning, and she had this great place set up just for her.  Would she try to set those limits yet or not?  Also, what do you think of Lt. Kastigo turning up?  Does she appear dense to not have made the connection earlier?  Let me know what you think.  Please comment, vote, or follow.

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