Chapter 51- Can't Avoid All of the Consequences

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Thursday, February 2nd 9:35am

Lincoln High School- Girls' Bathroom

Sondra stopped and her mouth open and shut several times before she managed to blurt out, "Suspended?!? What for?"

Jamie smiled at Sondra's protest and calmly explained, "We made out in school. Someone will be suspended. I'm expecting you to make sure it is me instead of Korbin. Just telling Ms. Dean that when I came in here to check out my hickey that I bragged about ambushing Korbin."

When Sondra didn't promise immediately Jamie stopped and fixed her with a firm stare as she reminded Sondra, "I promised Korbin that he wouldn't be suspended if I could do anything about it."

Sondra swallowed and argued, "Korbin wouldn't expect you to do this though. Are you sure you want to do this?"

When Jamie nodded firmly Sondra finally agreed. She offered, "I may be able to disrupt the messages to your homes, or get rid of the video copies the office made."

Jamie's gaze slid to Sondra as she hesitated. Changing the school files seemed a lot different than changing the files at a business where she was an owner. She wouldn't have asked, and might have declined if it was just going to affect her, but Jamie remembered how Korbin had shut down after she had mentioned talking to their families.

If there was a chance to stop her uncles from scaring Korbin away, she couldn't resist accepting. Korbin was just becoming too important to her. Even though she felt guilty, she found herself saying, "I don't want you getting into trouble too, but it would be a big help."

Sondra gave a determined nod and said, "I'll take care of it. It wasn't just Korbin that you kept from getting suspended today. You shouldn't be the only one to be punished, so I'll do what I can."

Jamie's smiled and said, "I'm not the only one going to be punished. Just think of all the explaining Aaron will have to do. He might even be so busy with counseling the he can't play tennis anymore."

Sondra thought that would be just about perfect, and she smiled as she returned to class in a much better mood.

When Jamie re-entered the classroom she put in the time for Aaron returning, signed herself back in, and then started a new line for Aaron to sign back out. She made sure to copy Aaron's signature as closely as possible and put exactly the same time they had him leave the classroom.

In the office, Ms. Johnson and Ms. Dean were trying to make a copy of Jamie and Korbin for their records. Ms. Johnson turned to Ms. Dean and asked, "Did we do it right this time?"

Ms. Dean hesitated and then ordered, "Open up the file and we will watch it again to make sure. The first time it stopped after one frame, and was just a picture."

They watch the recording they made of Jamie and Korbin. It covered from when Jamie turned around until they started back to class. Ms. Dean shook her head and said righteously, "Those two are too young for that stuff. Their parents will need to be called and the counselor needs to make time for them today. If their parents ask about the video, we will show it to them."

Ms. Johnson nodded her head, but then asked, "Who do we call when the kid is emancipated?"

"Ms. Dean paused before saying, "Maybe we should just send an automated message to her place. If her uncles happen to be there and get the message first then we haven't broken confidentiality. We'll keep a copy for any state workers that might like the information, though."

Ms. Johnson nodded and put that in the note section as she started typing out the behavior referral sheets. As Ms. Dean headed to her office, the janitor called. He insisted there was an emergency and demanded the principal and the nurse both come immediately.

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