Chapter 19- We Weren't Doing Anything

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Saturday, January 28 9:30 pm

Seymour Dojo and Fitness Center

Korbin glanced over and noticed Jamie smoothing Ketara's hair gently.  She wasn't putting on the strong act.  She really wasn't bothered by them at all.  He tried to explain by saying, "They are like puppies, you just want to cuddle them.  At least you do, until they wake up and start talking."  He didn't mention the fact that she was sitting close to his side.  If she was focusing on the girls and ignoring how close he was to her, he wasn't going to mention it.  He wasn't stupid after all.

Korbin's began to grin when he saw Jamie's eyes begin to close.  She seemed to be fading fast.  He thought of all the running and workouts that they had done today and said softly, "All the workouts seem to have worn you out.  I know how you feel.  I'm pretty drained myself."

When Ketara turned sideways and flopped over her feet across Jamie, Korbin looked over with concern.  Jamie didn't even open her eyes as she mumbled, "It's not the workouts.  They weren't nearly as bad as when I'm training for marathons.  I just haven't slept well lately."

"Marathons?" Korbin asked.

"Hmm..." Jamie murmured.

Korbin smiled and said, "Never mind."  He would ask her about marathons another time.  Right now he was just happy with things as they were. The long day, quiet room, and sense of well being soon had him dozing too.

When he felt Jamie lean against his side he opened his eyes briefly. Ketara, the bed hog, had moved her feet off Jamie.  She wasn't giving Jamie more room though.  Instead, she was shoving Jamie in her sleep to claim more of the couch for herself.  For such a little person Ketara could sure take a lot of room, Korbin thought with amusement.  He moved his arm to the back of the couch to give Jamie a few more inches before he went back to sleep. The next time that Ketara stretched and Jamie curled against his side, Korbin's only motion was to lean his head against Jamie's.

10:30 pm

Seymour Dojo and Fitness Center, Swisher Street

Every detail covered and all papers filled out, Mary Kastigo finally realized the time.  Her husband had been in a lively debate with Jenks, but Jenks had disappeared a while ago.  Sent on the mission of rounding up her kids.  Now Lt. Kastigo was talking to Bandit like an old friend.  He rarely relaxed this much, and it reminded her of up how they used to hang out with friends when they were first dating.  It would be good to have friends close by, but it was time to get her kids home and to bed.  Jenks should have had them down by now, but he must have had some kind of problem. 

When she voiced her concern, Bandit had offered to lead them upstairs and give them a hand.  When Bandit came to a sudden stop and gave a low growl, Mary quickly looked over his shoulder at the incriminating scene.  Her jaw dropped as she saw Jamie curled up on the couch with Korbin in the dark room.  As Bandit began to move across the room she grabbed the back of his shirt, but what stopped him was Jenks stepping out of the shadows.

Mary noticed that Jenks had quickly laid something on a small table, but she was focusing on Bandit as Jenks said, "Shh, don't wake them.  I just..."  After a pause he smoothly inserted, "needed a few more people to move the girls."

Ms. Kastigo moved further into the room, and noticed that Ketara had managed to get almost half of the couch to herself by shoving Jamie half way onto Korbin.  For a moment she didn't know what to say.  Then, she shrugged apologetically at Bandit before admitting, "Ketara has always been a restless sleeper."

"Yeah," Jenks added with a smile.  "She has claimed a couple more inches just since I came up."

"Why didn't you just wake them?" Bandit hissed dangerously.

Jenks hesitated before saying, "I wasn't sure if Jamie would wake up swinging.  Little kids around you know."

Bandit frowned, but couldn't argue.  Protecting the innocent had always been his main focus.  He was just used to Jamie being the youngest and most innocent around.  He reluctantly agreed, "We should see if we can move them without waking Jamie."

When Ms. Kastigo moved forward, Jenks quickly ordered, "Stay back."  Mary was surprised at his tone.  He had seemed to be the light-hearted one.  But, she remembered Jamie mentioning her boundary issues.  Clearly Jenks and Bandit were serious about her waking up swinging.  It was also clear that Jenks didn't realize that Jamie had talked to her already, since he continued in a lighter tone, "I'll carry Ketara, but Bandit can get Korbin."

"I'll take Keesha," Lt. Kastigo offered as he went to get his daughter.

Korbin's eyes opened as his sister was moved away from his side.  "Dad?" he asked groggily.  Then he spotted him mom, Jenks, and Bandit watching him.  He looked down at Jamie snug against his side with her head on his shoulder and face against his neck.  He turned bright red, and blurted out to Bandit, "We weren't doing anything."

Jenks nodded in understanding, but Bandit just said in a disappointed voice, "Ah, he's awake.  Now I can't wake him up."

Korbin's eyes widened at the tone, and suddenly felt a little desperate.  Everyone except Bandit was filing out of the room and he was pinned to the couch.  He didn't really think Bandit would do anything, but could admit to himself that he felt much better when his mom looked back at Bandit just before leaving and said firmly, "Korbin, I expect you home in fifteen minutes." 

Bandit raised his hand in surrender as he chuckled and sank into a chair across from Korbin and Jamie. 

After everyone was gone, Bandit turned back to Korbin with a serious face.  Korbin's small measure of well being disappeared as Bandit snapped in a low voice, "We need to talk."

Can't you just see them?  What do you think Jenks was doing?  Thanks for reading.  If you enjoyed the chapter please vote, comment, or even follow.  I'll have more soon.  Hope you enjoy the rest.

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