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Mariana sat down. She couldn't believe Carl had a girlfriend. Of course he'd had girlfriends before, but that would only for a week before he came back to Mariana. She was his rock. He always came back.

"I guess it's time for me to get ready if he's gonna pick me up soon," she sighed sitting on her chair in front of the vanity she made. She stared at her self for a good two minutes before deciding to put the silk dress on.

It was tight, so tight that she had to wiggle around a bit to get it on right. It reached only to her mid thigh. She was surprised, most things were too big for her. She sat back down to do her makeup.

"I look like a fucking wreck." She had light purple bags under her eyes. She looked a little pale, but that was besides the point. The first thing she covered was her under eye bags. She tied her hair back, a little strand framing her oval face.

There was a soft knock at her door. Her mom came in with a caring smile on her face. Mariana looked at her through the vanity mirror. "You look gorgeous honey. By the way, Carl is downstairs. And does he look good. When are you gonna get with him anyways? How long has it been, like eight years or so?"

"Mom, he has a girlfriend. And even if he was single he doesn't like me that way," the short girl stated. It wasn't awkward to talk about this kind of stuff with her mother, it was just their natural bond.

Her mother scoffed,"Really? That's what you think? I can't believe you don't see the way he looks at you when you laugh. Or how he smiles at you when you say something funny. I know I shouldn't tell you this, but you're really pissing me off with this bullshit.

I got off of my shift at the nightclub and you two were downstairs. You were sleeping so I turned off the tv. He asked to turn it back on and I told him 'you're still up?' so he sat up from next to you and nodded. I was just looking at you two. He was staring at you with this look in his eyes. And out of the blue he says,'she's beautiful when she sleeps'. And I just teared up because I knew that's who I wanted you to spend the rest of your life with. Because he was perfect for you."

Mariana looked at her mother. She tried to hide the smile on her face. "He really said that ma?"

"He sure did honey. Now get up and go, he's waiting." Mariana grabbed her purse and headed towards the door. "Wait!" Her mom gave her a small silver packet.

"Mom!" Mariana said with embarrassment, "I'm only fourteen. I'm like way too young."

"Better safe than sorry honey."

Mari walked downstairs. She heard a group of people talking. She peeked down a little to see all six of her brothers talking to Carl.

"I want to see my baby sis home by 12, and if I see any hickies or her acting like she has a stick up her ass, I'm killing you. I doubt that it would be hard." Chris was lecturing Carl.

"Yeah, and you better not kiss her either you pig!" Cody pushed Carl, or attempted to push Carl.

"Cody calm down." Daniel laughed at the young boy.

"But just know that if anything happens to our sister, we are putting all responsibility on you. I'll rip your toes off one by one and put your face in a fryer." Frankie got in his face.

"Okay okay guys. You know I love Mari too much to put her in harm. She's been my best friend for eight years." Carl put his hands up in surrender.

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