Chapter SeventyTwo

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A/N: This chapter is going to have a lot of switching in perspectives, but I hope that isn't a problem, I just wanted to provide both sides to the story as accurately as possible.

Aubrey's POV

"Get the fuck off my girl man!" Someone yelled.

I turned in the direction of the voice and felt a large force knock me off my feet. Eyes filled with anger stared back into my own as I winced from the sudden pain.

A faint scream from Amber was heard as I hit the ground with a thud. I finally recognized the face that burned in my memory. That sharp jawline, those dead eyes, it was Fucking Chris. Wait a minute. Did he say 'his girl?' Fuck no.

"Man. What the fuck?" I yelled, pushing the body off of me, while trying to gain dominance. However, right before I could gain control, I felt a sharp sting in my side from a punch.

"Ugh." I groaned, finally getting my head together, and rolling us over so that I was on top. I began punching Chris, in the stomach, giving no openings for him to fight back.

"Get off him Aubrey! Aubrey!" Amber screamed, her voice was the only thing soothing me in my rush if adrenaline. "Stop!" She sobbed, pained.

I couldn't believe what had happened in the short time that I got to see her. I've made her cry more times than I could count, in literally five minutes.

I stood, calming myself down, as Chris still lay on the ground.

Amber's hand was over her mouth in shock, and her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. But somehow she still managed to let out a sob.

I tried to soothe her, but she stepped away from me; as if I were a monster.

"Why'd you come here!?" She screamed. She was no longer facing me, but I was sure the question was directed toward me. Tears were streaming down her face now. Her make up was a mess, but somehow she still managed to look like a fucking angel.

It took a moment to register what she had asked me. "I need you." I said, taking another couple steps toward her.

"Bullshit!" She yelled. She was looking at me again, making sure to guilt trip me with those fucking eyes! "You made it clear that you wanted me to move on!"

"I just didn't want to hold you back! I couldn't keep you waiting on me." I said to her, tears beginning to form in my own eyes.

By this time, we were beginning to attract a crowd. People were standing around us waiting for the next sentence to roll off Amber's tongue.

"I wanted to wait for you. I wanted us, but I didn't know where you were or what you were doing, I had to move on. I had to grow up." She said, her tone sad now, distant.

"I..." I tried to interject.

"Do you know how many times I waited for another letter from you? Day in, day out, I checked the mail box, hoping to see another letter from Liam King." She made quotation marks with her fingers to emphasize her point.... "Each day it never came you wedged a knife deeper into my heart."

"I couldn't continue string you along. It wasn't fair to you." I got closer to her, slowly trying to gain her trust back. I needed to be near her. I needed to feel her hands on mine.

"But you hurt me Aubrey..." she said, staring up at me with pleading eyes. I didn't know what she wanted, but I was willing to risk it all to give it to her.

"I'm sorry baby... if I could go back in time to change things, I would." I confessed. "Please, forgive me." I touched her hand, I felt electricity flow through me from the small action.

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